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Chapter One 

Chapter Two 

Hey gang, I decided to try and streamline things around here to make my older PDFs easier to find. Aside from being all properly tagged now (as "pdf") I also learned how to feature tags today. So you'll find a link to them on the main page of the site from now on.



Bob Fink

Thank you!


How perfectly timed, I needed to recollect all the PDFs again! Thanks mate!


......how the hell am I the first to say “Helloooooooooo Nurse”? I mean, I still believe she’s a doctor, but still


For what it's worth I got that one a few times during the posting of that chapter. XD


Why is Switch not allowed anymore?


The Casey and Sylvia stuff is against the current terms of service. Granted, I posted those pages before the new rules were in place, and Patreon never said anything about having to purge your old stuff, but you can't be too careful these days, and I don't want to give them a reason to bust me if it's easily avoidable.

Unborn Roderick

Broda @Reinbach: where I can find other pdf files from Switch?


Sadly, thanks to the terms of service updates implemented by Patreon, I'm no longer able to host the Switch PDFs as a current reward. Switch contains content that's against the rules around here, and since I miraculously survived Patreon's first investigation into my work, the last thing I want to do is give them a reason to look over me again. The PDFs live on at my Gumroad store, but even giving out free download codes to supporters would get me in trouble. Sorry to be a buzzkill, for what it's worth, if I had any other options, I'd take them.