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My thanks to "A Guy" (who's name I put in quotes to make it clear I'm saying a name and not just describing a random dude,) for submitting this one. While making this strip a thought occurred to me that I never had before; Casey really wouldn't take it well if her father ever got himself a steady girlfriend. Maybe Miles knows this? Maybe he has a girlfriend he keeps secret from Casey for that reason? I can already tell I'm going to get a lot of story ideas from these strips as we go along.

In the meantime, keep the questions coming if you have them! My list to draw from is still pretty small, so even if you've already sent me one, don't be afraid to submit more if you think of any. :)



alex baker

Here is a question for Casey , whay would think of a threeway between you Royce and your father.


Wow, their eyes look super-dark here- a different color scheme? Or just because of the size of the images? Good thing that Casey look was SUPPOSED to be creepy, because just looking at the art, I was like "um, that looks weird". Very appropriately disturbing :D.


Well as for the eyes I couldn't say off the type of my head, as I didn't intentionally do anything different with them. And as for Casey, despite being healed by Switch, it feels like she just isn't the same if I don't still make her creepy every now and then. XD


Thanks! Got it down. :)


Now I’m just picturing Casey, her mom, and her all gangbanging Bria

Squid Hills

Here's a question: Does Casey's mom fantasize about banging Casey's friends as much as Casey fantasizes about her mom banging all of her friends?

Bob Fink

Bria has a point as far as how Casey reacts regarding the men in her life, but has no issues with sharing her women. Lets say Casey, her mom and Bria. :D


yeah, when Casey looks at someone like that I can never tell if she's about to fuck their brains out or come at them with a Hatchet. BTW here's a question for Switch. What and who would she do if she could be human for a day?


you know, i've always wondered exactly how tall everyone is in this romantic world. this makes me wonder about ALL the stats of any given person- any chance of some sort of bio for everyone at some point? p.s. i do believe i asked something like this already, but now i REALLY want it :p


Can you explain how you found it?


I'd love to do a character line up, I'm just so slammed lately it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day. Basically every character falls into one of five height categories. Short: Holly, Abbey, Parker, Kayden. Average: Lydia, Morgan, Warren, Millie. Tall: Casey, Bria, Jane, The Nurse, Miss Holt, Elianna. Taller: Liz, Sylvia, Courtney, the Twins, and most of the males. Giant: Royce, Principal Redcliff. Hope that helps for now! :)


Casey hasn't had a lot of guests over other than Bria yet, but that will change as the comic goes on. So I guess time will tell! ;D

Lord Washington

I’d love to see bria with Francine. Love how you did Casey’s lips

Lord Washington

Liz, are you a pothead? Cause I am too. 😁

Lord Washington

Casey, would you ever like to get up the nurse’s skirt?