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This scene is canonical with the comic. It takes place shortly after Morgan's orgasm at the party in chapter three, and leads up to just before she meets up with Warren again. Enjoy! :)

Morgan had been nervous about having sex for the first time, and was glad to have gotten through it. But her heart sank as Casey got into position, spreading her legs in the bean bag chair. It was time for Morgan to reciprocate, and she was so nervous she thought she might pass out.

A few deep breaths worked wonders though, and Morgan crawled up to Casey, silently annoyed that even Casey Holland's pussy was fucking gorgeous. Morgan dipped her tongue into Casey's soft folds tentatively at first, but within a few seconds she was mashing her lips into Casey's clit. 

Morgan didn't know how well she was doing, she just did what she herself would have liked. Casey was getting into it so much that Morgan began to suspect that those moans of pleasure were just theatrics to make her feel like she wasn't screwing this up. A nice gesture, but Morgan has always hated being patronized.

However, this train of thought was dispelled as Casey suddenly screamed, and pussy juice splashed across Morgan's face and into her mouth. She was stunned. There was certainly no faking what had just happened. And Casey's contented sigh as her head fell backward in the chair seemed pretty convincing. 

Morgan got back into the chair and cuddled with Casey for awhile. It seemed only fair, she had just done the same thing for her. But then she remembered Warren and wanted to find him. Morgan scrounged up a hand towel in one of the dressers and cleaned herself off as best she could. She turned to Casey and asked her if she'd missed anything. Casey smugly assured her she hadn't missed a drop.




Casey’s tits look amazing 😍


This was a perfect follow up to the party! Seeing Morgan eat Casey out is amazing... the "love juice" splashes on her face is magnificent. Think her first time went quite well :). REALLY can't wait to see Morgan's first "boy-girl" scene, with her coaxing out some other type of "love juice" on her... think it's near the top of my list for most anticipated scene in TRW! Hopefully a Liz / Warren "behind the scene" Pinup is next!


Glad to hear it man! I'll try not to disappoint the next time Morgan comes along. :)

alex baker

I love the way this is and I love that Casey likes people to stay a little messy.

Bob Fink

This is so hot and Casey and Morgan never looked sexier! :D


Oh my god! this is so hot! i love Casey's expression and the way they both are into it. I know it's a cliché, and that we cannot expect to see the same thing over and over... but i really hope we can see them both having sex in a distant future.

frank barry

This is so hot & amazing! I love these side stories!! I definitely would love more of Casey & Morgan together. Don't push Casey away Morgan!


Thanks! It can be a tricky angel to get right so I'm glad to hear it came out well.