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I hope it doesn't come as too big a surprise, the way I decided to handle Bria and Warren here. Bria cheating on Warren was treated as pretty dark and heavy stuff during my first comic, but that tone would be seriously out of place in TRW, so things are a bit lighter now. 

My early drafts of this page had Warren a bit more snarky towards Bria in his response, but in the end I decided that just didn't fit with the Warren I've presented since this comic began. He's too much of a sweetheart to hold a grudge. 



alex baker

I think you made a good call also love what bria whereing but I get feeling I won't be seeing long. Also happy independece day.

Bob Fink

Very well played, now how does he really handle her cheating on him.


man, you are a KING at drawing faces. those expressions are so great!


They look soooooooooo much different from those early strips, lol. Where Warren was buffer and taller and Bria was smaller! Not a bad way of handling their dynamic- making it clear that Warren was hurt by it and not over it, but without reveling in drama and pain. It also makes Warren seem... I dunno, very passive? Like he has every right to be pissed (I mean, I guess- this world is more hyper-sexed that it seemed in "Switch", but exclusivity may be a thing), but he's trying to avoid conflict again, which can be a sign of weakness and being too "nice" about things.


I love how Warren is basically Jimmy Olsen in these panels


Man... i love everything you did here, but the first panel it's fucking distracting hahaha, but yeah.. gotta love those facial expressions-

Olympian Comics

That didn't go as expected. Also, to take a page from a previous comment, it is stunning (in a good way) to compare how your art has evolved and the way you draw certain characters.

Squid Hills

I do like the different take on the Bria/Warren cheating issue. Before, she was beating herself up over it, and he was clearly pained by the mention of her name. Now, Bria wants to make amends and it looks like Warren is in for sitcom hijinx in the future. Which reminds me... I don't know if this has been asked before, but was Casey mean to Warren (getting him lost in the woods that one time, etc) because she wanted Bria for herself?


I'm looking forward to delving into it more. It's hard to imagine this version of Warren kicking Jonah's ass, but sometimes small guys are the scrappy ones.


Thanks! Warren and Bria got the biggest revamps in TRW, both in looks and personality. So I do imagine they stand out even more in that sense when they're together in the same scene.


Pretty much. She wanted Bria and saw Warren as an obstacle. She was also super jealous of him and Bria together.


I hope you stay tuned! :)


I think the change in Warren's persona between here and Switch is most readily apparent in this scene.... he definitely seems a bit more laid back as he talks to Bria. Like where this is going... expecting Bria to possibly manipulate some situations going forward, as she tries to make "amends".


"You can have any girl you want, you're handsome. And charming." kind of a moot point hearing that from a girl who cheated on you. Does Bria have a low intelligence stat?


Not sure exactly how to answer that one without tipping story stuff I'm afraid. For now I can say I hope you stick around and see where it goes! ;D