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I have a lot to say in this space, but here's the big question: How would you feel about these comic strips replacing the Monday pin up twice a month?

For me, the challenge of the Monday pin up has always been "How good can I make this look in just one day of work?" But now I've come to a point where I'm more interested in the idea of "How much better would these pin ups look if I didn't have to rush them?" 

The need to do less pin ups a month was clear, but I wasn't about to just scale back rewards on my most popular tier without offering up something new in place of them. I figured a lot of you are here because of the comic, and so I wanted to do something related to the world of TRW exclusively for Patreon supporters.

I got the idea of presenting a companion series to go along with the main comic. This is TRW done as a more traditional comic strip, as opposed to a full graphic novel. 

What's the difference? Well, as you can see, there's not much drastic movement from the characters or dynamic viewing angles to be found here, so the big sex scenes will be reserved for the main comic itself. This format is much more dialog driven, with a focus on building a library of visual assets (that would be the characters, their clothes and facial expressions, etc.) that can be reused as needed. Which, for me, is awesome. Dialog is the one thing I always wish there was more room for in the main comic. This would be the perfect spot for dozens of ideas I've had for conversations between the characters that I'd never be able to fit in anywhere else. 

This first one is reliant on a reader question for the characters, which I'd like to continue, but I'm not committing the whole series to that one idea. After all, what if I don't get enough questions? Or what if I get questions for awhile but then they drop off? So this strip will cover both fourth wall-breaking reader questions as well as canonical (but not exactly plot-crucial) conversations between the characters as well to help flesh out the cast of TRW.

I've gone on quite a bit but there's one more thing to cover: How to ask a question for this series. It's simple, just send me your question in any way you like, be it here, as a PM, an email, anything, and I write them down, every last one. I'll answer the questions based entirely on whether I can come up with a strip that would be fun, interesting, or sexy based on the question posed. Inspiration hits me randomly, so I can easily see myself logging a question with no idea how to answer it, only to come up with something perfect two months later. 

So what do you think? This is all very experimental now, and if you guys don't think these strips are a fair trade for less pin ups please let me know, as nothing is set in stone just yet. This is probably the biggest shake up in my rewards format since I first launched this page (four years ago this month!) and I want to get this right. 

Be it positive or critical, I'm looking forward to your feedback, and any questions you might have for the characters!  




Definitely like the idea all of the other artist I follow do these kinda things and everyone loves them


I like this idea. It gives you an oppurtunity to show us more of the TRW world that we all love


Great idea. Really looking forward to what it will bring in the future.


God i love this strips. I don't know if you know him, but Zaunis (Zaundergroud) does the same thing for his OC's. Little strips when they do or answer things about themselves. As you say, this is a good way to know more about your characters, so i think is a GREAT idea... plus, i think most of us have question to ask... such as "¿have Cassey and Silvia done the threesome with Royce? - ¿What was that Cassey did to scare off his dad?" Anyway, loving this idea. And if it helps you have a better workload the better. (I mean, like giving you free time and not being on crunch).


I prefer pinups, maybe do a poll? See what people think.

Squid Hills

If you want to do the odd comic strip instead of a pinup, I say go for it. Your humor is one of the main selling points of Switch and TRW for me, and I won't turn down a chance to get more of it. I mean, yeah, sexy girls are hawt and all, but I come here for the funny, too.

Bryan Allen

This is a great idea!


I'll totally take one of these over two pin ups. I've been hoping to get more of the characters interacting somehow. This looks really entertaining and I love it. More please

alex baker

This is awesome, I like the comedy idea. I would love to see interactions between characters we don't see together like Sylvia and Courtney or mabey Casey and raina. Or maybe some sort of switch commentary on scenes from TWR or the last comic.

alex baker

This also raises the question of will these be commisonble. Oh and here is a fun sexy idea for a strip. In other countries they do a news caster taking of her clothes slowly as they read the news mabey bria can loose a piece of clothing in every panel.


I like this format and look forward to more


I think this would be a pretty excellent way to break up the usual Monday pinups. Especially if you keep the tone comedic and add the occasional bit of genuine insight in addition to some naughtiness.


I *love* this sort of thing. I'm one of those people who needs plot and characters and dialogue, so these extras are just fantastic.


I'm having a lot more trouble coming to a decision on this that I thought, lol. I mean, on one hand, few people ask you more "lore questions" than I do- I always wanted to know EVERYTHING about these characters. So this seems ideal for me... BUT... The Patreon Pin-Ups are probably the biggest reason why I'm here, sometimes. Every time I've considered lowering a pledge, or even leaving... BAM! There'd be this well-timed AMAZING pin-up that would make me go "Oh yeah! That's why I'm here!" So at the same time as I'd like more exposition... I adore the pinups. But if you're struggling for time and can't put in the sheer effort for a super-elaborate pin-up every week, it's fine. Two a month is still a steal, honestly, as many artists charge PER picture for work that isn't as good as yours.


I absolute love it

Lord Washington

I only ask you don’t use my name if you answer any of my questions.

Bob Fink

I think this is a great idea, and this first one pegs Holly perfectly. :D


Sounds awesome!


I'm likin' the idea. Helping out your own schedule, while still offering an alternative in return, helps everyone. The way I see it, these strips provide new opportunities, too. Interactions, dialogue, information and humour that one can't often provide in pin-ups or stories without compromising the integrity of either. i.e. Keeping the pin-ups all-sexy and ensuring out-of-place moments keep out of the stories. And to top it off: thanks for thinking of us, man. Coulda outright lessened the schedule and devotees like me would've been fine with it. But you chose to give us something, in return. Good man.


I love it, good call!


Love it


Yeah this could be fun

Alain Lecaro

I love this idea, 100%. More lore (even if it’s just being silly) is always appreciated, and it keeps things fresh if it’s done differently for each strip. I do hope you decide to keep these up!

Olympian Comics

Go for it. This seems like fun. Especially for interactions of characters who wouldn't normally in the series. Also, would love to see Courtney even if prior to the main book.

A Guy

Looks fun! Though it also might be fun if they answered questions in the nude-- it's TRW -STRIPS- after all, right? ;)


Love it. Would love the strips to always include at least a bit of nudity or something sexual. This is honestly a lot more exciting to pop up in my feed. Nice work


I keep their clothes on a separate layer so they can easily be naked as needed. :D


Maybe? Hadn't considered them as commissions. They'd be difficult to price, as once I have a decent library of assets built, they won't be much work at all to make.


Got it logged! :)


Question for Mr. Fontaine: what happened between you and your ex-wife?

That black guy

Question for Liz: You ever consider cosplay sex? If so what of?


Great! There's more on the way! :)