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Whipped this one up this morning to celebrate the announcement of Breath of the Wild 2, because I honestly can't remember being this excited for a game since I transitioned from naive child to jaded adult many years ago.

If you aren't into games so much and don't know, right now there's a major video game trade show going on where all the big publishers announce their most exciting upcoming projects, as well as a slew of mobile game garbage they really, really, want you to think won't be mobile game garbage. Keanu Reeves crashed the party this year, and high fives were had by all because that man is a national treasure. 

But for me the best part was Nintendo's presentation today. I'm a bit of a fanboy I'll admit, but objectively I still think they averaged more pleasant surprises than their competitors this year. But what did you think? Have you been following E3? If so what did you think the high and low points were? Let me know! :)




HNNNNNNGGG short hair Zelda. I really hope she's playable in this one, but as solo/swappable and not some stupid co-op requirement.

KD TrueBone

Oh man I just sold my Switch a few days ago :( I loved Botw

Licorice Lain

I haven't watched the Nintendo conference, but of the ones I did watch, the only one that was tolerable was the MS one. Bethesda was unbearable aside from that one bundle of joy, Ubisoft was flaccid... again and Square Enix fell flat. Part of that was due to the lack of surprises or info on the upcoming LIS2 episode and part of it was due to the fact I fucking hate the voice they give Sephiroth. Are SE incapable of giving their villains normal sounding voices? Must every villain (outside of XII and XIV) sound like a complete ham?


Well you can bet some kind of upgraded "Switch Pro" is on the way soon enough. In fact I'll be amazed if something like that doesn't come out around the same time as this new Zelda.


Yeah that is a danger. As bad as Nintendo's online service is flailing right now, you can bet every major release moving forward will have SOME kind of online multiplayer shoehorned in.


I actually haven't watched the Square one yet myself. I may be alone in this but I really think they overdid it with the idea of the FF7 remake, with this full production that's taking years and years to complete, when a fresh coat of new graphics on the original would have likely been just as crowd pleasing, if not more so.


Gotta say the trailer that got me excited most was Borderlands 3. Just finished borderlands 2, and now im glad I get to play it's sequel so soon. Few games can be so dumb and so much fun at the same time.


I like to imagine this exact thing was happening between Link and Zelda like, all of five minutes after BotW ended. And they just keep fucking, like, all the time.

Bob Fink

Doesn’t look like Zelda is to eager to take his dick in her mouth.


The competition sure was fierce though. Practically every female in that game was dropping her panties over Link. XD

That black guy

Will note, Keanu's character in cyberpunk is a huge deal in universe from the table top game , I was actually more shocked that the character was in the game than Keanu being his actor.


Man I bet that put the hype levels through the roof. I'M excited and I don't even have any knowledge of the source material.

That black guy

As for Zelda trailer, I fucking am obsessed with Mummy Ganondorf and what it means.


Ganon being an evil entity in the last game felt like a downgrade to me, it's more fun when he's a character. So I hope that mummy talks. :D