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Two pages this week! The fact is I'm taking my summer vacation next week, (though I'll make that its own post shortly to be sure that isn't missed.) And pacing-wise, it just felt right to post this now. I feel like this page is a good one to leave off on before I go on my break. 



That black guy

Aw comforting Casey is always cute, switch is probably smiling somewhere if she's watching and not getting drilled or doing drilling on someone else


..... really beautiful page. While I was definitely expecting a reciprocation, makes total sense Morgan's catching her breath after that HUGE orgasm, especially after her first time. In fact, seem she's likely about to doze off lol. There is also something cute, and deliciously dirty with both girls cuddling while Casey is just COVERED in Morgan's juices :). Good stuff again man! Thanks for the second page, and enjoy your much needed time off!


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh FUCK, Morgan having a little loving embrace with Casey right at the end there- it's like you made this specifically for me. This is just amazing :). I mean, the little tear in her eye, the huge orgasm, the kiss, and the girls just tenderly HOLDING each other... this is why I follow your work, man. LOVE Morgan's pose at the end there.

Bob Fink

This is a very sweet and tender moment between Casey and Morgan, I love it.


Cute =)


Well... I don't think Casey'll need a drink, for a while.

Malcolm Tent

Next its Casey's turn lol. Aside from wanting this scene to keep going once they're finished I really hope this keeps being a thing in the story. They're a good couple.


Glad to hear it! You're supposed to always leave your audience wanting more after all. :)

frank barry

They are so sweet together!!<3


Is there somewhere I can read all the TRW pages in order?


I'm working on it, trying to build a dedicated TRW website is something I've been at for awhile now. But in the meantime you can find them all compiled neatly and chronologically at Hentai Foundry. I do my best to include "next page" links on each one, but forgive me if I miss one here and there. https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Reinbach/profile