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Continuing the Final Fantasy theme this week with Riku, who originally debuted as the "cute one" in  Final Fantasy 10. Longtime followers of my blogs will remember my observation that every FF game has the same trio of female archetypes: a cute one, a classy one, and a sexy one with only some variation from game to game.  Though this version here is how she appeared in the sequel to that game, Final Fantasy 10-2.  From the first game to the second, Riku here underwent a change that I found to be pretty hot in execution: in the first game she was, like I said, all about the cuteness. The idea of taking that character, stripping her of about 40% of her clothes, and giving her a punk hairstyle, I don't know, I guess to me it implied that a fair amount of sexual corruption had occurred for her between games. Which I found 100% rad.

As for FF10, memes aside, I think it holds up pretty well today, and it's worth picking up the recent remaster. The sequel, not so much. I remember it being fun and having great presentation, but it's what I call a "guide game," in that you'll never in a million years get the true ending without outside help, and I find those games hard to recommend. But what do you think? Have you played these games, or do you have any input on my troubling fascination with adorable women being sexually corrupted? As always I'd love to hear all about it in the comments. :)



alex baker

Damn she's over flowing. I like it

Lord Washington

Ever heard of the spoony one? His review of the series might make you rethink some things.

That black guy

I've played the games and am a fan of corrupting the innocent girls, not in the extreme way but just making them kind of up for the idea of raunchy sex.


I played both. FFX is one of my favorite games EVER, but X-2 was a huge letdown. The trio of Paine, Yuna and Rikku was like really hot, with all the costumes and stuff, but in terms of story was bland. About Rikku, i loved her in FFX, and even though she changed a little in X2, i could not hate her looks. She is a hotie, and i like how she looks in here... specially her belly (hope it doesnt sound creepy)

Senoj Nai

I don't think you're alone in that obsession. The whole "sexual corruption of cute/innocent" angle is probably the biggest factor in why schoolgirls and cheerleaders are so widely fetishized.


I like the idea of corruption, in that it's how some guys see women having a sexual awakening. Seeing someone make the transition from "No that's disgusting, and I must stop myself when I have those thoughts" to "Oh, that's the opposite of bad. What the hell were people telling me this was bad for?" to "Wait...they sound like I used to! Time to pay it forward!!"


After me going on about how hot I find sexual corruption to be, you'd have to work pretty hard to sound creepy. XD


I suppose you're right. Corruption of the innocent is pretty standard fare as far as fetishes go.