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Looks like Warren got a bit more positive feedback on his performance than he was expecting. XD



alex baker

Flip her over and pin her ankles behind her head and give her what she wants


Make her clingy make her clingy make her clingy


Shit, Reinbach, this IS a romatic world.


Oh my god- yes, yes, YESSSSSSS!!! Finally the "R" in "TRW" is in full force! God DAMN I love the notion of this! I like to think you included this panel only because I begged for cuddling on Discord, lol. I love how kind of shy and nervous Warren is, and how taken he was by the kiss. oh, it's so wonderful.


"And that, kids, is how I met your mother."


Yes! Warren better be up to this. I want to see him give her a pounding!

Malcolm Tent

Oh yeah, that's gonna become a regular thing lol. Good for Warren. And liz seems like the type to tell everyone how awesome he is in bed too lol. I'm guessing Warren is about to get real popular with the ladies lol.


Press start to continue :)

That black guy

I was scared for 5 seconds she was gonna drop 3 words that both parties would be freaked out by.

That black guy

I'd make her realize she really wants to be regularly with him but not clingy

frank barry

Love this! It conveys a perfect feeling!


'Bout time something nice happened to Warren outside of a video game.

Dean Sturtevant

Oh..wow that is wonderful and hot

Bob Fink

Either Warren really rocked Liz's world or she's extremely horny and just wants to be fucked. :D

Squid Hills

Dear Liz, please rate this fuckbuddy. 1: Why did we even bother? 2: Is that it? 3: Not bad 4: You rocked my word 5: Do me again. *spams 5 as hard as possible*


Uh-oh, looks like someone is beginning to get feelings


It will definitely be in there. :)


Just plain hot... guessing that even Liz was surprised how much she loved this session! Great stuff, love the pure passion in both of their faces in these scenes!