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Well Persona 5 is making the rounds in gaming news again thanks to the announcement of a remastered version on the way, (not to mention the big Smash Bros update,) so I thought I'd draw another one of the many waifus from the game. I went with an adult version of Futaba, the team's socially anxious hacker.

Whether you're a fan of the Persona series or not, you have to give it to the game's publisher for being able to milk a single entry for years and somehow never piss off their fanbase in the process. So far every mainline entry since Persona 3 has gotten a remastered version, at least two spinoff games, and an anime adaptation.  I can't put my finger on why, but even though they're essentially tricking me into buying the same game twice, (as I'll be all over that remaster when it comes out) it doesn't feel like a cynical cash grab. Maybe because more effort is being put in than the usual re-release? How Persona handles its remasters feels a far cry from something like Skyrim being ported for the tenth time, still rocking all the bugs and glitches it had since its original launch. 

But what do you think? Am I blinded by fanboy bias? Are there any other characters I haven't drawn from the series you'd like to see? As always let me know if the comments. :)



That black guy

Love the series, Futaba is my secondary waifu, was first until Tae(goth doctor) popped up. Wish they'd give us a remake of 1 & both of the 2 games using the style of the current games, as if you go back tis clear they while interesting stories were still very much "we're still SMT just bit different" with 1 and "we're starting to find our own niche but here's some very smt elements" with 2 IS & "we're almost there but not quite just yet" with 2 EP


Ah, Futaba. On one hand, I wouldn't romance her because she's such a neurotic mess in the game that she hits all my "Protect the little sister" buttons. But on the OTHER hand... She's a social recluse who lives on the internet. I've no doubt she's seen porn that would turn my hair white.

Ronald Bakbacon

I feel like the persona games have the benefit of adding a shit load of content with the rereleases, both gameplay and story. Also, the original games are so good that the fans want more story. That's a fucking miracle imo.


She doesn't look very into this.


Futaba is my all favorite gal from Persona 5, i just love her... but, in the game i had to go with Makoto since she was the one i had all leveled up. Anyway, jus as you, i'm gonna buy Persona 5 Royal... it just clicked me, and i like the new phantom, tho i don't remember her name. I'm also gonna buy Persona 5 Scramble, since it's gonna be a musou, it woul de a gret oportunity to play with other chracters aside from Joker.


Well I wasn't going for a non-consensual vibe if that's what you mean, I just wanted to convey some of her shyness by having her look unsure.


It would be cool to see those stories redone in the new style. Fun fact I actually bought Persona 1 when it was new, thought "this is stupid," and returned it. I sure wish I'd hung onto it now lol. Those original games in the series command some crazy prices on ebay.


You mean Rwby herself or the series in general? I did Yang awhile back.


True enough! I'd say wanting to see what happened next was a major factor for me.

frank barry

THis is a great PinUp!! It really captures her, nice one!