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Two pin ups this week? Hell yes there is! But as you might imagine, there's a reason: I'm afraid we still need more time to work on the game before we release a new update, and we won't be able to get it done this week like we hoped.  Between Kal's son getting sick and us having to rebuild all the code from scratch to implement our day/night cycle, if we released what we have now it just wouldn't be enough of an improvement over the last build for my liking. I want players to come away impressed with every update. And if that means one needs more time to cook, then I think it's worth the additional delay. 

So what's the upside? Well for one thing, this update will now have an extra scene with Chloe that was going to have to wait until June originally, and, until the update is released, I'll be doing two Patreon exclusive pin ups per week, one on Monday and one on Friday.  The Monday pin up will remain for the level two tier and above, but the Friday pin up will be open to all tiers. Think of it as my way of saying thanks to everyone who sticks with us while we try and work out the kinks to make it as game designers. 

I truly appreciate your patience on this one. And in the meantime I hope you like this pic, as well as a little bit of story about what Casey and Royce have been up to lately. 

As always, Royce has it pretty rough. He lives in a small dingy apartment, slowly draining his savings as he struggles to finish a manuscript that there's no guarantee anyone will even buy. But when Casey comes to stay the night, his troubles melt away.

He doesn't see her as often as he'd like, as they have to be careful so that her mother doesn't find out where she's sneaking off to so often. As ever, the sex is incredible. But more than that, he just likes spending time with her. At first he was afraid that once the newness of their relationship wore off, things would fizzle out between them. But the more time he spends with Casey, the more he feels like the two of them may be built to last.

There are some small issues of course. No matter how often Royce asks her to stop, Casey insists on calling him "daddy." Also he can't help but notice that whenever he tells her he's proud of her or that she did a good job at something, she starts stripping off her clothes within seconds.  Her obvious daddy issues are troubling for sure, but on the other hand, she's grown a lot in the short time they've been officially together. She's less selfish for one, and she's learned to take no for an answer during her sexual conquests, a huge improvement over the manipulating temptress he succumbed to on her eighteenth birthday. And the voice in her head she called "Switch" hasn't made an appearance in months. 

Casey's always telling him not to worry so much about things that haven't happened yet. And in this case, he's decided to take her advice, and hope she just keeps maturing as she has. For now, he's content to simply enjoy the company of the woman he loves. 




I love the pinup but its hard for me to buy into their relationship. It made sense when it was just sex, but them being in love is a little hard to believe in Royces case. I can believe it from Casey with her daddy issues and all but why is Royce in love with Casey? She's 18 and he's almost 40, what do they even have in common? What do they do when they're not sleeping with each other?

Bob Fink

Casey has changed a lot for sure, but one thing hasn't changed and I'm very happy for that and that is her love for wearing cum so well. :D

alex baker

Blondes in cum always good.


Haha, I love the little bits like "Casey insists on calling him daddy and fucks him IMMEDIATELY when he compliments her", because it reminds us that's she's still a porntastic crazy girl, albeit a changed woman still :). It's interesting seeing your new "lip upgrade" at work here, because Casey typically has MUCH darker lips, or seems to be wearing lipstick in most of the stuff I remember seeing, so here it looks like she's going more "natural". Very different from her typical look.


Wow, a happy, fairly innocent looking Casey takes some getting used to, but I like it! And of course, she takes a cumshot like no other! I too am in the camp of wondering how Royce can truly be in love with someone so young, but I'll roll with it in the context of the universe established. Having said that, if this leads to threesomes with Royce, Casey, and other characters (Morgan being #1, based on recent developments), won't complain!

alex baker

Love the string connecting them

Chris Davis

Yeah, I feel bad for Royce ! I'm glad that Casey has someone she can feel safe with and is a good influence in her life, as her Mom seems to not be. I was hoping that Royce and Silvia could work it out, but I think that's an impossibility at this point. Silvia still rocks my world, though and I love the Slutty Mom and Daughter, but I secretly wanted Royce to "own" them both in the bedroom one day. Oh well, maybe I'll commission that from you as an "Alternate Reality" :)

alex baker

At some point I would love for Royce to me Casey actual father.

frank barry

More Casey is always appreciated.

frank barry

Will Casey become Switch for future generations? Are we talking Switch vol4 for this? (I realize this may be in 10 years from now, but just thinking ahead..)


Is it me or is she wearing less make-up than usual? She looks great, especially with the way she's pushing her breasts together (and even though she's covered in jizz, not to mention Royce to the right).


Well if it looks like she has less make up, it's probably because when I do close up shots like this I try to make the features more detailed/realistic. So since her eyeashes aren't just thick black lines like usual, they appear thinner.


Become Switch? Can't imagine how that would work exactly. But I do want to do more with Switch and Casey.


Well he would have met him at least once or twice already at some point I imagine. Miles would have at least wanted to meet Royce once he moved in with Casey and Sylvia, if only to make sure he seemed like a decent guy.


Cool! I could easily see Casey bringing any girls she seduces home to Royce. :)


You can probably just chalk that up to the more painted style I went for with this one. When I do close ups, I do my best to go for more realistic detailed features if I can


I guess that's just a matter of perspective? I've known a lot of adult couples with drastic age differences between them, and they seem to get along as well as any I've seen of similar age. It just depends on the people.

Stush Cinta

Whoah, this is so good <3