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And we're back! As I said previously, expect to see a lot of bouncing between characters in the next few pages, including one who's about to make her comic debut next week! :D




Lol I was wondering why you were suddenly using narrative boxes. Goddamn Liz Rules. Who’s the new character? Is it Jane? A new teacher? Agh the suspense!


Ok I haven't been the biggest Liz fan but I'll admit her narration is pretty hilarious lol. Also this is probably the most words she ever spoken without any slang lol.

Bob Fink

Now a cat fight between Liz and Morgan could be very interesting. ;-)


Oh man! this is gettin better and better! NICE!

Squid Hills

Liz is my favorite character. Of course, all your characters are so good my favorite character changes every time you shift focus to a new one.


Can you fall for a character? Cause Liz is amazing and getting better


I'm confused why Liz's dialogue is in a narration box but Morgan is responding to her. I think I missed something here . . .


It's a joke. At the start of the page it looks like its just regular story narration about what's going on with Morgan then its revealed that it was Liz narrating the whole time.


Morgan seems like a lil' scrapper, but Liz has the glorious size advantage. I dunno who would win, but either way... I'm cumming.


Glad to hear this page is going over well. I was afraid it might be too weird. :D


I like to think of her as "capable" of talking normally. But she can't do it on command. :D


Hard to call. Liz has the size and strength, but Morgan has the rage and fighting spirit. :D


If it's a little ambiguous that's on me, this page is easily he most out-there joke in the whole comic so far.