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I don't like to make a habit of drawing both characters when I do a poll around here. Kind of defeats the purpose if you ask me. But I decided to include them both this time for a couple of reasons: one is that this poll was actually relatively close with the votes, and the other is that in most lesbian poses it's easy to have one of the girls in the shot be the dominant one. As in most compositions it can be difficult to present both women's bodies equally. Since Bayonetta won the poll, she's the star of the pic, but I think Palutena still serves a nice purpose here. :D

Fans may notice I toned down some of Bayonetta's proportions. I couldn't help myself, those ultra-long legs of hers just look too weird in my style. It's funny, in the game, her being super tall looks right, it even fits thematically. The character is pretty much swagger and confidence personified, and visually it just makes sense that she'd be seven feet tall, towering over others.

But what kind of ruins it is that, in spite of everything they were going for with her look, they apparently just couldn't bring themselves to present Bayonetta's male equals as shorter than her, so the guys are even bigger than she is. May I ask just what the hell the point of making her so tall was then? If she was just going to be shorter than the guys anyway? The result is what looks like a cast full of giants with legs that go on forever.  Oh well, I'm still looking forward to Bayonetta 3. 



alex baker

great way to split the difference high five


Very nice version of the character- I never got how Bayonetta was supposed to be attractive- she's just WAY too elongated and pin-thin for me. So having a curvier version with nice, toned abs is great :). I really like how that top boob is lying- it looks very natural and with just the right amount of gravity and "hang" on it. Too bad the MILFy Angel Palutena couldn't win, but oh well- her green hair is probably her most distinctive trait, so it's still visible in the pic!


Hey, they're both in Smash, this could very easily be the aftermath of a match between the two of them.

Bob Fink

Very well done and Palutena dose seem to be enjoying herself. :D