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EDIT: I just got my first report of cursor lag in the main screen. My laptop had the same problem, but the lag wasn't there on the two other PCs the game was tried on, so I figured it was a driver conflict on my laptop. 

Since that doesn't seem to be the case now I want to share my workaround: when opening the game, I right-click on the .exe file and open the game with my graphics processor. That cuts down the lag significantly for me. Hope you guys can bear with us while we figure this out. 

Thanks for waiting guys! I encourage you to watch the video above before playing, but whenever you're ready you can find the game right here.  


Recording #8.mp4


alex baker

i really enjoyed this but i wonder if we can get in to raina's phon in this build?

Jeremy Joanes

i love the game so far i was hoping to be able to go further with Parker as she's my favorite character. I don't think i found all the sex acts yet. Can you give any indication of when we'll see an update??


Glad you like it! We want to do a major update every two months at most, faster if we can swing it. And there's certainly more to do with Parker on the way. :)


Very good so far! Full of details and different sorts of rooms. I kind of like the anticipation- like we can't fuck certain women yet, but we do see some good nudity from some of them.


I'm loving how the Demo's going. The premise makes in-universe sense, the personalities are established pretty quickly, as are the dynamics... Though I have a potentially dumb question. Have we met Millie yet in any of the comics or promos? I'd think I'd remember her. I like her!


I'm digging the demo, writing seemed okay to me (lol Derek), though it's probably too early to say. Same for the backgrounds, some of the interactable objects could maybe use a bit more detail (the books in the living room, for example). The newspaper girl looks hot, and Raina was just... wow! Those breasts are fantastic, I hope it's a running theme for the local moms if you decide to add more mature females :)


Unable to download it. After it decompresses in the google drive, it doesn't download and the webpage crashes

alex baker

man i really like raina and i like seeing switch and getting to know her but this update was to short now we have to wait 2 months for more awesome :0


Hey I ran it by Kal, he want to know if you're on PC or Mac so we can get this sorted. If you like you can send me an email detailing what you've tried.


Thanks for playing! Well there is at least one other milf planned. Got to get Sylvia in there at some point. :)


Right on. I figured we couldn't have the main guy having sex right away, but I didn't want to have an update with no sex in it either. Hence the peeping on Holly and Douglas. :)


I'm glad you liked what we have. As of now, our development team is two people. As the game attracts new supporters, we can bring on more people, and hopefully bring the updates bigger and more often.


loved the demo made me want so much more keep doing your amazing work


Excellent stuff! As some said, it definitely feels like a part of the Switch /TRW universe; dialogue sounds like what's been established, and we even get some new characters like Millie, who I personally can't wait to see how her story pans out. Only suggestions are for when the first full sex scene hits, we have options for how it turns out i.e. position choices, where Isaac finishes, etc. Also hope for bigger updates, but totally understand that depends on possible staff expansion. Otherwise, great first episode, can't wait to see how this game develops!


I enjoyed this version but there is an issue where I experience mouse slow down when I play in full screen but when examining objects or talking the mouse functions normal


Awesome game so far. Very well done. Any chance we'll ever see the Milf's of Castlewood calendar?


Maybe! I'd certainly need to come up with a lot more milfs though lol.


Thank you for reporting! I'll be adressing that issue later tonight.

ConoSaurus Rex

So I think I might have the dumb cause I can't seem to get the zipped files to unzip and download :(

Earthbound books

QA Notes: The inventory screen goes away after you talk to switch in the living room of the house; Also in the dialog path after you unlock the phone “No wonder Reina’s so cranky lately…” Switch’s dialog reverts back to “Issac” instead of the players inserted name. “I’m sorry Issac. I shouldn’t have made you go through with this…” Later in the park Parker’s dialog when you ask about here favorite show; “Yeah my favorite episode is ‘were’ should be “where”


Hey thanks! I think we got all the "Isaac" instances fixed in the build today, (we haven't uploaded the fixes yet though) but that "were" mistake is one I'm pretty sure we missed. We plan on having a new build with the typos fixed uploaded within the next couple days.


I can't seem to unzip it properly. After I download it and then try to unzip, it say it's "incompatible" or something like that. I had no trouble with the initial release unzipping but this is funny. Did you use a different way to zip it? Regardless could you please send the zip to me directly and see if that helps?


i didn't have any problems in a windows 10. a little slow in some parts, but nothing sirius. btw, how many sex scene are in the game?


Hi MC, no this has been zipped the same way as the demo was. The total zip file is just under 310megs. It does seem a number of people are having trouble. I'll look into another way of sharing this and get back to you as soon as possible.


In this build there are 4 sexual pictures to find. 3 are optional or hidden. Expect more with each new build. :)


just finally played through and found all of the pics. I noticed a lot of potential side quests. helping Millie the journalist, Rainas drunk cuddles, second date with parker. are those going to be completed in the next build? when is the next build coming out? any idea?


Glad you like what we have! I can't confirm exactly what will be in the next build just yet, but expect it at the end of January. :)

frank barry

I'm not able to install the game of my Mac (MacOS 10.12.6 Sierra); it says, "unidentified developer." You do a lot for us, I just wanted to mention it, not to overwork you and your developer. I'm looking into getting an older PC, which would solve the problem.