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So this poll may be the first of many like it. Now that the voting polls have been moved down to the Level Two Tier and I can reach a wider range of my supporters, I want to start getting a feel for what you guys might be into and what you aren't when it comes to new porn ideas. 

To be clear, I don't currently have any lactating milfs waiting in the wings in the game or the comic, the point is that I could have one somewhere down the line if I get a strong response.  Same goes for any other fetish poll I might post here. In fact, if there's a particular kink that hasn't been in my work that you'd like to see, feel free to send me a PM or mention it in the comments and maybe I'll put it to a future vote. 

Anyhow, to the point: How would you feel about a lactating milf character? 



the more kinks, the better


Definitely don’t care for the stuff- REEEEEEEAAAAAAALLY don’t like it. My biggest kink is probably pregnant women, however :).

Bob Fink

I like it and for some reason seeing a hot redheaded MILF and a nubile female sucking at her breast sounds very hot!

alex baker

Breast milk as lubricant for titfucking


Lesbians sucking lactating bewbs is not only cool its been done by everyone in the pawn industry all over the world. By amateurs to the big pawn companies for years


Those two kinda go together, no?


One of the more harmless fetishes, it's fine by me as long as it is not too gimmicky and overplayed.


It's definitely a good, inoffensive thing to add in. Particularly since women can lactate without being pregnant so you only need the smallest bit of hand waving to apply it to pretty much any lady with functioning nipples lol. Hooray for hormones!


I think it'd be useful to have a third option, like "meh" or "I don't care about it either way". I feel like the Not Interested option is too negative for for how I feel about some kinks.


lactation is a big yes for me, and as snizzle says above there are women who lactate without pregnancy so it's not that much of a stretch to have it it. That being said, im curious if you'd consider pregnancy in your art or game at all? I know hyper isn't a big thing you are interested in from something I read of yours but idk if Pregnancy counts or not.


it is there, its called: "dont vote" - dont care. ;) you dont need to give ppl without an opinion about something an option to vote on for a poll you dont need to vote on somnething to get it done :) im in for "anything"! :D


Well pregnancy is a tricky thing for an ongoing comic, as, by nature, it demands a passage of time. And as for time passing, I want to keep things on the ambiguous side, since the majority of the cast are all seniors in high school and could remain that way for years as the comic goes on. I guess if I were to do a pregnant character she'd have to be someone new.


I can see both sides. On one hand it would be nice to know how many supporters are actively against an idea rather than indifferent, but on the other I'm not sure if I have a big enough pool of voters yet to get a decent result if I split them up between three options. I'll have to think on it next time I post one of these polls.


The problem with presuming a lack of a vote must be a neutral vote is that there’s other reasons for not voting, like not seeing the poll or fear of how you’ll be perceived.


Nah I never liked the cross-fetishization there. I really just like standard issue pregnant ladies :).


this is too much thought for drawn tits my dude.. But big boobs need big brains so im ok with the politics of this.


50%+ no worry 60%+ would be a nice thing to add 70%+ def keep in mind 80%+ guess itll happen eventually 95%+ hmm... got milk? Evidently not. So here goes


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btCKtQmN49w" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btCKtQmN49w</a>


Good to know, seems like I don't see it that often so I didn't know if it was that mainstream.


I guess I'd only associated the idea with Milf characters but that's good to know.


Voted no, but seeing how its almost 50/50 I say go for it. Don't think it will be a deal breaker for the rest of us, and will make someone happy. And I like how you keep your char. consensual. Keep it up


Hey thanks! I do wish I'd added a "neutral" option to this one, that would have given me a better feel for how much of my audience wouldn't be actively put off/repelled, even if it wasn't their favorite thing. I'll keep that in mind for the next fetish poll.