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Even though she isn't planned to appear in the first build of the game, I couldn't resist working on Sylvia a little at the end of the night before I go to bed. (I'm way more of a morning person now that I'm in Florida.) The feedback you guys posted on the original helped a lot, and in the end I decided it was best to just start over from scratch. I'd love to know what you guys think of this new draft. 

Also have an update on the construction of my Discord Server here. First off, my thanks to those of you who sent me pointers and tutorials when I mentioned I was stuck. I feel like I'm close to getting this put together the way I want it. I'm still not 100% sure it's possible for me to integrate Discord with Patreon in a way that only allows $10+ supporters in, as it seems to be based around the idea of giving every support tier a role of some kind. I'm very concerned that once I hit the launch button it will just send the same invite to all 400+ of my supporters at once. Which would screw my plans to have an exclusive WIP reward channel, and not only that, I don't think I currently have the time or the resources to manage that many people. I want to start small and see how it goes. I'll figure it out. In the meantime, expect updates on new character models here whenever I have something substantial.




Looking good


Regarding discord servers, i'm not 100% how to set up anything but I think you can have certain channels in the server that only certain people can view, similar to muting or blocking a channel in general. You could have something like a main chat for everyone, and other ones that only the higher tier people can access. I believe something like that is possible to do if you own the server or are a moderator, but don't quote me on it.


I think her head still looks too small

Taylored Printers

From what I've learned about Discord, setting roles to enable people to see certain channels would be a way to handle that, like you set a WIP role that you grant to users that pay the tier required price. I know people have done that with other discords, so there is a way to do it if you can find it.


Hey, not bad! I've mentioned it before, but Sylvia was always my least-favorite of the "Switch" girls, owing to the HUGE size of her breasts, which I thought looked a tad too cartoonish. However, they look a lot smaller and more "naturally big" here, and her curvier body makes it look like they "fit" more. The only thing that looks off is that the "far one" (on the left) is larger than the one on the right. Just a LITTLE, but it's enhanced because it's on the side that's further away.


Hm- her torso is about four heads high, which is normal. Maybe it's just because her hair is closer to her head than is normal for Reinbach girls (who usually have poofier, "bigger" hair- Sylvia's long hair pulls it closer to her head).


I manage my gaming clan server and we are able to hide moderation channels, as well as create tiers for New comers versus our established members. It's possible. While you might have a general chat for everyone, you then assign roles to your higher paid members, creating channels that only those roles "can read message history."


That may be what I end up doing. A lot of people have advised me to at least a general chat channel that's open to all my supporters. It sounds good to me, I just don't know how active people would expect me to be on there. Since the game's launch I'm busier than ever.

Bob Fink

Looks good, I like what you've done.


After checking those other posts with her, this one is pretty solid. The fuller lips and little plumpness in her cheeks gives that caring, happy, fluffy impression. Breasts feel just right too, hefty but natural nice one. Right now she has a pretty iconic look, fits in with the world and with her own style. Her being at the door is a pretty sexy idea my dude.


Hey glad you like the revisions! I hope you like her when she makes her way into the game.