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Even though I specialize in drawing naked people, whenever I present a well-known character I try to incorporate as much of their costume as I can to keep them recognizable.

But man that gets tough with superheroes sometimes. Their one-piece costumes leave pretty much one option: they need to be ripped strategically. I thought about leaving her whole mask on, but decided that with her clothes all torn up, we needed to see her smiling mouth to keep things looking consensual.

Speaking of the costume, I've always thought Spider Gwen's design was pretty brilliant. The simple addition of a hood worked wonders on making the traditional featureless Spider Man mask seem more feminine, since it sort of mimics a hairline. (I recall similar visual trickery in the old animated Robin Hood movie, where they added a long head-dress to Marian, an anthropomorphic fox, to simulate the look of long hair.) I'm not terribly familiar with her character in the comics, my understanding is that she comes from an alternate reality were Gwen Stacy was bitten by the spider and not Peter. Sounds like a neat concept to me. I'm sure like many, I'll get more familiar with her when that Spiderverse movie comes out.  




Great work! You really did a nice take on Spider-Gwen


Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!! Brilliant choice in breast size, here- dead-on perfect size, but still a more natural, “missile” shape. Man that costume is amazing... seems almost impossible to draw, though.

That black guy

It's a very solid series though somewhat depressing, it feels like one of those gritty what ifs but if they kept going and some things got better but also other things got worse (for example uncle Ben doesn't die in .... But Peter who Jealous of Spider-woman/gwen, who he seemingly doesn't know is gwen, tries to become a hero like her and becomes their version of the Lizard and seemingly dies in Gwen's arms after they fight.)


Should’ve had Miles instead of Peter. Still a great pic though.


Really hope you take on her Spiderverse look at some point, I love what they did with her in that so far.


Yikes. That's a problem I have with most alternate universes in comics. It's like the minute the writers aren't held to maintaining the status quo, their first instinct is to veer towards extreme tragedy.


Guess I can't get past my old fandoms. However much they change the relationships in the new comics, Gwen will always fit with Peter to me.


Oh yeah? I only saw this costume in the image searches I did. Is her other costume drastically different?

Bob Fink

You really out did yourself with this one, such perfection and attention to detail!


You know they're calling her Ghost Spider in the new series on Disney XD? Looking forward to it since they got Chloe and Ming doin voiceovers in it. Awesome pic sir! Marvel does keep shakin things up more then DC these days, that's for sure.


Ghost Spider does seem to fit better. Now that I think about it, it's not terribly prudent for superheroes to be dropping their real first names lol.

frank barry

Gwen & Miles. Gwen & Cindy Moon (Silk).


I actually started a Silk in up once, I kept messing up her costume until I got frustrated enough to just start over with a new character. But maybe I should give her another go sometime. :D