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Here's a quick video to fill you in on our timetable with the game! 




That black guy

Thanks for the update, imo the 15 to 20 minutes is great I've been apart of campaigns that don't even get 5 minutes of content out in 3 months or only have text only "we're still working, sorry for the lack of updates" updates

alex baker

I subscribe to a few other crowd funded games, the one I have been subscribed the longest is a DC comics based one and in every update they try to add something to every girl in the or add a new girl or work on a specific event. Based on what you said in the video I think if you focused on the introduction of the main charter to all the other characters it would the open up the various avenues of what characters are part of the game verses what characters will advance the game.


I wish you explained what you meant when you said 15-20 minutes. Is that at normal reading speeds?


I may have to pass that one off to Kal, he has a way of figuring it based on an estimate of how long it takes the average reader to get through a set number of words.


I feel like this first build will be very linear, as the a lot of it is simply the opening scene. I expect the game to open up more after that's established and the world can open up more.


Neat-o! As for content, I've no idea just how much is "expected" from these things, but I would think that "A girl a month" or something is a great thing to shoot for- a complete story/boning with one girl or something like that.


Well this first draft of the build will help give us an idea of what we can manage in a set time frame. After that it's just a matter of practice and getting faster! :)


Artwork looks gorgeous.


Thank you! Backgrounds aren't my specialty, but I'm slowly getting better.


I am beyond psyched for this, and episodic releases I'm more than down for... gives you ease to introduce new girls and scenarios per update. I know as a Patron we'll have access to the content as it develops, but just out of curiosity, would you be developing a "full version" at retail to the general public? Apologies if this was addressed at some point!


Good question! That's the plan, once it's complete we'll be shopping around for online markeytplaces to sell it, such as Itch.io or possibly even Steam, since they seem to be getting ever more open to porn.


Well what was shown in the demo would be alright amount monthly. If your trying for every 2 months for an update you gotta have like 5 scenes. But right now you are doing backgrounds, characters and figuring the story. So if you go 3 new scenes for the next update and alot of none sexy stuff every 2 months then its good. 15 to 20 mins is about standard when you have most misc stuff done. Right now just get 2-3 scenes done with the misc stuff for abit. Then think about adding more.


Hey thanks for the feedback! We'll do our best to have as much content as possible in this first build.