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Cool thing about the game being formally announced is that I no longer have to keep things secret, and I can start sharing game assets and ideas here to get your feedback as I go along!

I spent the day designing Isaac's stepmother, (and Chloe's mother,) Raina. I liked the loose bun hairstyle from the recent pin up I did of Holli Would, (though am I the only one who thinks her hair looks a lot like April from the 80's TMNT?) and gave her nose a bit of a stronger bridge, kind of like how I draw Ms. Stahl. Also couldn't resist repeating the Casey/Sylvia idea of making the mom a curvier version of the daughter. It's a failing of mine I suppose, I'm not great at portraying mature women all that well yet. Seems like every time I try they end up looking too old. But I'm working on it.  

Personality-wise I think Raina will be easy for me to write. She works in human resources for a sign production company and haaaates her job. Considering my current job as an artist is the only job in my entire life I ever enjoyed, I feel like I'll have a lot to pull from for her. She's in charge of the household while Isaac's father is away, and she's pretty cranky when she's not getting laid every night. 

So what do you guys think? Is there anything you can think of that would make her concept sexier? Any particular outfits you think she'd look hot in? This is literally the first time I've ever drawn her, so she's not exactly set in stone just yet. I'd love to hear your feedback!



alex baker


alex baker

does the main characters house have a pool, if so one piece swimsuit something that really hugs her curves.


I don't imagine them being rich enough to have a pool, but that doesn't mean I won't find an excuse to get the characters in swimsuits. :D

Bob Fink

She looks like the perfect MILF, those curves are pure perfection! She would look hot in a slinky long red dress with a slit to her thigh and cut down to mid chest.

That black guy

Glasses of course, the librarian half circle style ones


I adore attractive, maternal older women, so the idea is great (for showing of age, I find slight lines under the eyes to work pretty well. Shows maturity but not major wrinkling). Her hair is terrific and I like that she’s a bit more “hippy” than the usual girl. Nice pubes, too. But broken record time: I think the boobs are too big. I just can’t get into the super-colossal racks anymore. I just like a nicer balance, lol :). Anyone in this tier doesn’t look as good to me, sadly.

alex baker

naked apron


she looks like the kind of gal thats into fetishwear and buttplugs during business hours


Not a huge fan of the big bridge nose, but that's a personal quibble.

Squid Hills

I like her! The bridge of her nose is big, but that adds a unique feature to her face. I think it's a good design element.


I think she looks fine how she is here.


Silky little nightgowns in the morning, towels after the shower. Anything short enought she can show some ass when she bends over. I think her current top is fine, but the black trousers hide any detail. If she were wanting to get laid or even feeling frisky, a short black skirt. Basically anything you would normally expect her to wear only somehow made inappropriate.


Few things beat a huge tits MILF! As for outfits, well obviously some lingerie would look great on her.


Hot momma! Damn I'd love to be her next door neighbor...or son. I could do that.


You know at first, I thought this was an image of an older version of Kate Marsh from Life is Strange. I like the character model you've drawn of Raina and how huge her breasts are. Could maybe try a slight see through nightgown for her to wear at times <a href="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1ShDZQXXXXXXhaFXXq6xXFXXXI/DeRuiLaDy-Women-Sexy-Nightgown-With-Panties-Women-Spaghetti-Strap-Sleepshirts-Set-With-Lace-Sleepwear-Net-Yarn.jpg_640x640.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1ShDZQXXXXXXhaFXXq6xXFXXXI/DeRuiLaDy-Women-Sexy-Nightgown-With-Panties-Women-Spaghetti-Strap-Sleepshirts-Set-With-Lace-Sleepwear-Net-Yarn.jpg_640x640.jpg</a> . Depending on how she acts during sex, her hair could be let loose for guys to pull as they ram her from behind.

A Guy

She should have a habit of 'accidentally' lounging around the house nude. That she's passed onto her daughter, of course. Backyard pool sunbathing, that sort of thing. Gratuitous nudity FTW.


For sure, I'm just trying to get some facial structure variety going on here. With so many girls planned for the game, the sameface feeling could set in hard if I'm not diligent.


Good suggestions! The scene in the next build takes place in the morning, so I figured I'd do her work clothes outfit here. But it would be cool if she had casual home clothes in the evening.


As of now the plan is for every datable character in the game to have a specific set of lingerie unique to them.


Noted! I'm not yet sure if those kind of glasses would work for Raina, but the half-circle glasses are a style I haven't tried. If they don't work for her I'll fit them in on someone else sooner or later. :)


For sure, I know that with such a wide range of body types in the game, not every character will work for every player. That's why you won't have to complete every girl's story to advance in the game.

Dean Sturtevant

I love it..reminds me totally of April and that just adds more to her appeal


The hair. It's another cliche , but I don't care. When she's out working, it's up and tightly wound, just like her. She comes home and lets it all loose, just like her.


Not a bad idea at all! I do want Both Chloe and Raina to look different depending on the time of day around the house. or, especially, in the case of you seducing them both, I thought it would be fun for them to dress more smutty as a result. :)