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First off I'd like to say thanks to all of you who played the game demo, it's been a lot of fun hearing back from you in the last 24 hours. And if you have more specific feedback you'd like to share, such as what you liked, what you didn't like, and what you'd like to see in the future updates, feel free to send me a PM. 

As you can imagine, the game is going to shake things up in the reward tiers around here. And I'm also taking this chance to do some house cleaning on rewards that aren't as good as they could be. So I wanted to take a moment and outline what's being added or shuffled around.

-I'll soon be changing the first stretch goal. The one I had, where I promised to hire on help at 1,800 per month, has essentially been reached. I'm hiring Kal to help with a variety of tasks to make game and comic production go smoothly, on top of the programming he already does.

-I've added access to the latest build of the game whenever it's released to the $1 tier.

-I'm not showing commission access as a reward anymore, even if it is still something I do for supporters. To be clear, I'll still be working through my backlog, and as supporters you're all welcome to message me with ideas and get on the waiting list, but I don't feel right about advertising access as a reason to join anymore. I don't want someone pledging because they want a commission only to have me tell them they'll be waiting several months before I can get to them.

-The $15 tier has been reworked for two reasons: One is that in three years, very few people have requested the optional perks that were offered with the tier. (Those being character avatars and drawing critiques.) And the other reason is that if a bunch of new supporters suddenly did sign up and start requesting, it wouldn't be long before I'd get overwhelmed. So now that reward offers your name in the credits during every build of the game. If you're currently at $15 plus, expect your name to be in the next update. 

-The last change is upcoming, as there are still some mechanics I need to figure out. The first thing is that access to voting polls will be moved down to the $5 tier. The reason being that voting will likely play a large role in the process of game development, and it only makes sense to put that reward where more people will be able to participate. (As it is now, I sometimes have polls that only rack up around a dozen votes total.) Taking its place in the $10 tier will be access to an exclusive discord channel where I'll be posting work in progress images and random sketches. That's why this one will take some time to implement. I don't know exactly how to go about that one. I need to go over it with some friends and figure it out. I'll be sure to announce when I make the change.

And that covers it! Thank you again to everyone here for your support, and I'm glad to have you along as I do my best to evolve this page to provide the best content I'm capable of. 



So when will these changes take place? Unless I missed it I don't think you provided any sort of date or timeline.


Oh I didn't even know you were making a game. I just like the comics.


Many of them have already been implemented. The addition of the discord channel should be sorted out within the next week, and I'll have a new stretch goal as soon as I can think of something I can reliably promise. Stretch goals have always been hard for me. I'm already doing my best as it is, it's hard for me to promise to "do better if I get more money." But I'll figure something out soon.


Great! The comic will go on as always. I'm doing my best to write the game and comic to be relatively separate works, so you don't necessarily have to follow one to appreciate the other.

alex baker

i am excited to have a vote

alex baker

so what will be the point of the game are we on a journey to learn more about switch while banging every hottie in castle rock or is it to get to know more of the characters in every way possible?


A little of all that yeah. As for the "point," I guess for me I just wanted a way for the setting of the comic to be a place readers could explore themselves, as well as get to know the cast in a way that there wouldn't possibly be enough room for in the comic alone.


Hmm the voting was my main reason for being at the $10 tier but I’ll see how this discord goes.


It is really generous of you to add the game to the $1 tier on top of the comic. You might want to add an early access to the game at $5 to get the game versions a few days early like the others, though they can vary from a few days to a month depending on the patreon. At higher tiers you should add polls for new content, like a choice of scene, place, outfit and even girl, I would increase my pledge for that for sure.

Bob Fink

These changes sound awesome, and I look forward to seeing what the next update to the game brings.


The early access thing isn't a bad idea, I may look into that once the game starts gaining steam.