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Hard to imagine I've been in this business as long as I have without drawing Holli Would here. I'm aware that her movie, Cool World, isn't exactly regarded as a classic, but I still see new artwork of this character pop up to this day. So there's certainly some fandom there.

There's a whole story about how Cool World suffered from too many cooks in the kitchen. Its script was revised by studio execs over and over until it no longer even remotely resembled its creator's original idea. But I think my favorite instance of meddling came from the voice of Holli herself, Kim Basinger. Evidently she suddenly decided she wanted Cool World to be a kid's movie during late-stage production. The creative team responded by rewriting Holli to be the main villain of the story. That kind of thing cracks me up. XD



Bob Fink

Awesome render, she looks perfect and oh so hot! Love the addition of a well manicured muff. :D


Thanks! Whenever I draw a character from the 80's or 90's it only seems right to have some bush down there lol.


Goddamn, I forgot how much I loved seeing your girls make crazy-ass faces :). You are so goddamn good at those. Those breasts are PERFECTLY drawn as far as gravity goes, too- the exact right amount of flattening down. That line on the underside of the far boob is spectacular- I can’t stop looking at it. Was that from a reference? Because I couldn’t copy that if I tried. It’s staggering.

alex baker

yeah i think Jessica rabbit takes away her attention but i always love seeing what show comic or movie you will tap for the pin up. and i am never disappointed. nice carpet


Well pretty much every one of these Monday pin ups leans heavily on reference. It's the only way I can crank them out in one day. But I always alter the pose or anatomy to make it my own. As you might guess, the model for this pic wasn't nearly so busty, so the boobs are all me. :D


Sweet image of Holli. I like that intense look in her eyes as she watches that guy creampie inside her. Pretty nice behind the scenes info on the actual movie Cool World I didn't know about. Holli is definitely a very sexy character, right next to Jessica Rabbit. I can remember one other sexy female from the old cartoon shows that was drawn quite a number of times singing <a href="https://youtu.be/_oAgkTwFRuM?t=12" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/_oAgkTwFRuM?t=12</a>

Squid Hills

Wonderful to see this character! You did a great job on her (especially on her crazyface). The behind the scenes meddling on Cool World ruined what could've been a subversive Roger Rabbit for the 90's, turning it into a wet PG-13 movie that most people have forgotten. Still, at least it's not almost completely forgotten like the thematically similar Monkey Bone.


Oh yeah i remember that one! Always did like how Tex Avery drew women. :)


Oh yeah, never saw that one myself. The trailer just looked too weird, and not in a fun way lol.