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This month's sketch for KainRezo072 features Triss from The Witcher series. I always meant to start at the beginning and play the whole trilogy someday, but since the first game didn't keep my interest I think I may have to just cut my continuity losses and jump in on the most recent one, before another sequel comes out and I get even further behind!




I played the 3rd game a year or so ago because it was on sale, and I remember people saying it was amazing. It certainly lived up to the hype. And I did the same thing, "Since this game is so great, I should buy the trilogy so I can get the whole story!" but man is the first game hard to even start.


Fuckin' hot view of a tricky pose. Very impressive! Once again, your ab/stomach game is on point- she looks SUBSTANTIAL; curvy, but not chubby. Actually, this is one of the best vaginas I've seen you draw, too- look at the folds around the clitoris! That is ANATOMICAL, dude!

Walter L.

I never got around to play the first one, but 2 and 3 are amazing. The first one looks alright if you mod the shit out of it, but even though, with so many games to play, I simply have other priorities. Great piece anyway. I absolutely adore Triss. Fuck Yennefer. (Well, I WOULD fuck Yennefer, I just hate her personality ;) )

Lord of Nightmares

Mods When i replayed the series last year I Modded the Heck out of the first 2 games, made it a much more enjoyable experience.


I can certainly see that improving things, guess it never occurred to me when i played it.


I hear what you mean about there being so many other games. There simply isn't time to play through anything I don't think is going to absolutely amaze me these days.


Thanks! I'm really happy with my torsos lately if I say so myself.


I agree! But I'm biased because I'm not a fan of mouse and keyboard game layouts, the next two games are much more my style by the look of things.


I have to be honest. I Played The Witcher III and is one of my favorite games. It really changed my life. It has a good story, great characters, beautiful places and sex on a unicorn. But... i haven't played the previous games. The first one is HARD to play. I tried but i couldn't, and the second, i got to play like 2 hours but my PC couldn't run it well,so i had to uninstall it. When the third entry got in PS4 i didn't hesitate to buy it, and yes, it was love at firts sight hahaha. What i wanto to do is read the novels in preparation for the Netflix series, but i don't wanna download a PDF, i want the physical book, i've heard that they're great... And, in relation to it, i've heard that Triss in the books is horny as fuck, like... all the time. So, it's kinda fun to see this picture and think: "Yep, just like that".

Walter L.

Not so much horny as hell, as horny for Geralt, I'd say.