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This commission for Nightmare Shinigami features Chiaki Nanami and Junko Enoshima from a video game series called Danganronpa. I'm not familiar with the games so there's not much I can add about the characters I'm afraid. It occurs to me that I rarely do these kind of humiliation scenarios in my work. Is it weird that I have absolutely no problem with sexual humiliation (in porn/fiction) as long as no men are involved and it's just women inflicting it on each other? Hell that's pretty much the entire premise of the Senran Kagura series, where all these busty teens molesting and abusing each other is played for laughs. And I love those games. Guess like most things context is a major factor, though I stand by my theory that being in this business for so long is starting to corrupt me. XD




From what I know of the Danganronpa series... Junko kind of has these punishments coming to her. :P


Looks awesome! Lot of wonderful cumplay images from you lately, and heaven knows I’m way into that stuff! It’s not weird to only be into the humiliation stuff when it’s two girls, everyone’s got their preferences. I tend to like it across the board but only when it’s in a “everyone is enjoying it” fashion. Even if it’s a hard submissive role, the sub’s happiness is important for me to enjoy it. On a similar note, one of the first things that appealed to me about Switch was the fact that Casey does undeniably slutty things but it’s all by her own agency. She seems like the sort that would make one hell of a power bottom, happy to be gangbanged while controlling the gang. It’s a welcome subversion of the slutty blonde teen that she’s such an active participant in making things happen, and it makes her stand out as a character.


I'm of the same mind with humiliation/bondage/etc. in porn. When men are in the scene, in comes off as threatening and noncon-y. If a WOMAN'S doing the tying up, it magically becomes a thousand times hotter :). Great pic! The "leaning forward/boobs down/ass in the air" pose is a tough one to get right, and you nail it- her butt looks adorable from this pose. Nice shiny hair on the girls, too :).


Hey thanks for the feedback! And I'm glad Casey's aggressive attitude works for you. :)


Glad Junko on all fours looks right to you. I couldn't find a reference pic and had to do it from memory, which is something I try to avoid with tricky poses like this I'll admit. >