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In my writing I do my best to avoid the dreaded "ret-con," which is to change things already established earlier in the story. Continuity is important to me but the need to alter something has still reared its head once or twice. 

My case in point here is that if I was going to portray Warren as a stammering nerd who's taken aback by a classmate making very forward advances on him, I probably shouldn't have introduced him to have once been dating Bria, who is supposed to be one of the hottest girls in a school full of hot girls. 

But there are variables I could bring to my defense. What if him landing such a hot girlfriend was a one-time fluke? What if his confidence took a hit after she cheated on him and now he's awkward around girls again? (Excluding Morgan of course, as he thinks of her as one of the guys.) What do you guys think? Is this something I should explain in the comic or would this idea never have occurred to you if I hadn't brought it up? As always I'd love to hear your feedback.  




I would have never thought about it if you hadn’t brought it up. Him dating Bria is definitely believable because she was hot but she hadn’t been corrupted by Casey yet. Now if he had been dating the current slutty Bria, that might have been less believable.


I do feel like getting cheated on would sorta trash his confidence yeah.


Also want to add that the way Liz looks and the way she speaks don’t match up to me. She has no expression on her face but she’s using words like “yo” and “mad phat hyped”. It just feels off.


I totally hear what you're saying. The best thing I can reply with at the moment is that it's intentional. I WANT her to seem off. This ties to what I was saying last week about how in retrospect I wondered if she was really the best one to feature so early on. But there's no going back now!


Makes sense. Bria wasn't all that sexual when she was introduced for sure.


I really enjoy Warrens design


Cool! He's a bit more of a shrimp now than he was in Switch, as I recall I drew him fairly toned as well back then. But I feel like this look fits him way better. :)


BJs for homework? Oh Jane- you haven't even made a full debut yet, and you're already breaking my heart :). Is it weird that I was totally thrown by the assertion that whoring for favors was so common, lol? I mean, I know Casey was up to that, and multiple teachers are boinking students, but I was like "WUHHHHHH???". I think I have to reassess my personal morality scale, vis-a-vis TRW, because I keep needing to remind myself that these people operate on a different level. Otherwise, Jane, Liz & Warren will all seem like terrible, TERRIBLE people :). Warren: I can buy it. Liz IS putting him on the spot in front of Morgan, especially. Bria's cheating may have shaken him. Though yeah, he IS a bit nervous for someone who once put it in Bria's ass :). But if he's trading homework for BJs, then what was once the most sympathetic male of the Switchverse may not be sol golden after all! The body language is BEYOND excellent here. Warren is nervous, Liz is all awkwardly laid out but blank-faced, and Morgan looks TOTALLY annoyed or nonplussed by Liz's assertion of Jane/Warren. Like she's all "YEAH, IT'S TRUE. WHAT OF IT?" I'm liking her a lot in these updates. Liz's dialogue is fucking fantastic. "Mad Phat Hyped" had me rolling. She's SO goddamn weird :).


Well, it is my guess, no matter how many blowjobs you have received and mind ripping high school hottie sex you have had, when someone that looks like Liz just puts it out there you’re gonna sputter a bit while your brain and dick fight it out!


Haha! Fuck yeah, I love it.


Glad Morgan stood out to you here. It's strange but that tiny little panel of her might be my favorite one on the whole page.

Bob Fink

That all sounds very feasible as the trauma of having such a hot babe as Bria for a girlfriend just to have her cheat on you without remorse would do it :-) I think his answer could be very interesting and defining ;-)

alex baker

like where this is going

Lord Washington

Maybe have one of the girls talk about how much Bria cheating on him messed him up, yeah. Might be a good idea.


Yeah, I reckon you should address it. Maybe even talk about how Warren got to date Bria in the first place.


Honestly, if warren is going to be a major player for this comic, then I think it's worth half a page at least to give a few lines explaining where his confidence may have faltered. Grated, it may never have been his confidence that landed Bria in the first place. It's sad yet, quite commonplace, for girls who start dating guys for "comfort" to find themselves cheating on him later.


For sure, though I don't want to dwell too much on it. I think Bria's cheating on Warren got more than enough melodrama in Switch so I don't want to linger on it too long here.


Yeah I think it's settled then, I'll make it quick but still work it in somewhere. :)


Sounds like a conversation for Warren and Morgan to have actually, as soon as I can work it in. :)


Honestly, even after dating Bria, I can still seeming him being reduced to a stammering idiot by a hot girl suddenly propositioning him. Given how emotional his relationship with Bria was, I'm guessing they weren't banging on the first date, let alone over something as little as homework.


Very true, but I think I will explore some of what happened with them a bit more later in the story.


Ah so this is in the same universe as Switch.