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First thing to mention here is that Wednesday posts aren't the new normal, circumstance has forced my hand on this one. My PC has been having issues lately and it's gotten bad enough that I have to take it in for repairs first thing tomorrow. I may be out of commission for 2-4 days according to the goon I called, so I had to post this one early. I apologize in advance if I'm especially hard to reach or slow to answer comments until this all blows over.

Anyhow, on to the page! 

So this page marks Morgan's comic debut! Liz had a cameo in the last chapter of Switch, you can see an early version of her spacing out in class on page 117, as well as with her final design on page 160. Warren returns from Switch as well, though since the only other time he's appeared was during an anal sex session with Bria, he may not be as recognizable with all his clothes on. 

A fun bonus for me with the introduction of Warren and Morgan is that now at long last I have some nerds to work with, so my video game references on their clothes actually fit their personalities. In retrospect it didn't make sense for Casey to be rocking a Shovel Knight shirt during her first encounter with Abbey, as she's a country girl who's never played a video game in her life. But I couldn't help myself at the time. 

As for Liz, I chose to focus on her early on here because she's easily the most "out there" character I currently have, so she'll be a good way for me to gauge reader response to see what I can get away with in the new tone. Very curious to hear what you guys think once she has a chance to start really talking. 




EEEEEEEEEEEEE new update! Great! My impressions: * Warren & Morgan as the "snarky nerds who observe everything" seems to be a fun way to go. Warren was probably one of the more "rational" Switch characters, what little we saw of him, and it's good to have a "center" in a world where everyone's a bit nuts- you can get away with more outlandish stuff when there's at least a "baseline" of normalcy. * Morgan is cute as the dickens, and has what passes for a "petite" look in this busty universe :). Her anime-bang thing is a good character indicator- I liked the short, wavy strawberry-blonde hair she had in the first Pin-Up, but it looked a bit indistinct as a character thing. Shows and comics with a lot of characters really need to work on "Silhouettes" to make everyone stand out (the Simpsons preaches this), even in faraway shots or in shadows, and Morgan's hair will really help on that front. * Liz is... odd. Her & Jane were the two characters I was most curious about in terms of how I'd take them, and here, she comes off as highly robotic- arms stalk-still at her sides, completely blank expression, and using dated slang and cracking "jokes" (which apparently she repeats all the time). I know you wanted to revamp her after everyone saw her as autistic from the first Pin-Up description... but if I didn't know better, I'd have said she was autistic after looking at her here, or at least given one of those "vague disorders" semi-common in comedy & cartoons. Just the non-emotive face, combined with inappropriate dialogue. That said, I still find the character amusing and look forward to seeing MORE of her- she reminds kind of like the spacey Tiffany character on "Daria" all those years back. She's hot as hell, though. Though I usually prefer my women to be a little more "hippy" than that-she's got a REALLY thin frame to be sporting huge breasts like that :).


Might be the angle, but Liz looks tall.


As a creator, I get that you might want good engagement from your supporters, and I always hated the prima donna artists who had the “my way or the highway” attitude, but surely you have the best idea as to where you want these characters to go and the story you want to tell. I think you can try as much “out there” or avant-garde behavior as you need a character to have and your audience will be okay with it, as long as there is some “there” there. I've liked most of what you did in Switch and I think you get plenty of benefit for your past work as we move forward into this story.

Bob Fink

I'm really enjoying this new comic and can see it's going to have a lot going on but that just makes it more interesting. This page is a nice way to get 3 more characters introduced and so Warrens some what full of himself side :-)

King of Hearts

This probably isn't in the realm of responses you're specifically looking for, but I have to tell you, I love the colors on this page. Maybe it's how crisp the first panel is, or maybe the overall brightness or contrast, but everything just freaking pops. And it looks awesome. As for the characters specifically, though, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing and getting to know all three of these more as the comic continues.


Oh yeah, that's a good point. The strip until now has been rather "dark" in overall palette, especially with all the dark reds for the indoor scenes, so these bright colors give it a very different dynamic than "Switch" had.


Is the "as advertised" a reference to you promo pic?


That's intentional, she's not as towering as Royce but he's at least as tall as Sylvia.


Well initially my plan with Liz was to have this supernaturally laid back, aloof character so that when she has a screaming orgasm it has more punch, but we'll see how I feel incentive I've written her a bit more.


For sure! In this case I guess I'm more interested in feedback because I'm less experienced in the type of erotica I'm attempting here. Which makes sense, Switch went on for three years, it's been that long since I really tried something new.


I figure he's earned a little confidence lol. He did kick Jonah's ass when he walked in on him with Bria. XD

Stush Cinta

Morgan is hot as heck <3