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Longtime Patreon supporters may notice that some of the characters have changed since their first reveal last year. For example Elianna wasn't quite this much of a prude when I introduced her, that idea just evolved once I sat down to start writing. 

This scene also marks the first appearances of Principal Max Redcliff and Vice Principal Nadine Holt. Redcliff has been in a written story once but Nadine is all new. Hope she doesn't come off as too bitchy here, I'd hoped that how pissed off she looks and how quickly she pounces would help imply that this isn't the first time Elianna has pulled something like this. 




I have a sneaky feeling little miss prude is super repressed and if she ever does cut loose she'll make some girls there look shy & virginal by comparison :)

alex baker

love it, hacking emails i like this girl


I'm expecting her first sex scene to involve no less than two penises


Hold up, now, people can multi-task: Why can't they shower /and/ perform lesbian experimentation at the same time? You could even make it a group effort and conserve water.


As someone who's been following the new character bios VERY closely (perhaps too closely, lol), this is gonna be really interesting to see how they change. It's part of why I gave so much feedback over each of them! I realized a few months ago that I was probably gonna have to "throw out" my assumptions on each character until the start of TRW, given how much things can and did change (such as dropping the "girl having a crush on Warren" thing, which was dropped when you created Morgan). Hell, some creators just alter characters in mid-stream, too! So I think I'm gonna just forget everything I read in their early bios, because most of it's probably changed already :). Elianna being a bit prudish (well, understandable in THIS world, lol) is an interesting change. Is she still gonna be a weeaboo? Curious to see how she plays off with the maid (I hope she doesn't practice what she preaches!). But yeah... this will create a LOT of conflict in a world with Casey, Bria, Fontaine & that Nurse in it! I approve wholeheartedly!


Well Nozomi will be in the comic as a maid somehow, but I'm still debating whether or not she fits with the new prudish Elianna. As for if Elianna is still a weeb, she's wearing all the proof you need lol. She's dressed strikingly alike to Persona 3's Mitsuru Kirijo, an anime girl who happened to be really kickass at giving speeches.


There was a void in my life without your weekly comic updates lol, glad to have them back. Also love when you surprise us with two pages in one night.


Hey great to hear it man! I'll admit posting two at once doesn't help the buffer I was trying to build, but it really felt right to post both of these together to kick off the comic.


Lol, I like that change in attitude Elianna had at the end, when her actions were called out by the Vice Principal. I'm hoping Nadine will get some kind of kinky action in this new comic. I'm also hoping someone commissions this "lesbian experimentation" Elianna witnessed in the girls shower. >:3 I"m guessing Principal Max Redcliff might be one of those laid back kind of guys, who only looks imposing because of his build. While it's Vice Principle Nadine Holt who is the real backbone of the school and brings down the whip on people.


I'm not gonna lie, i was waiting for this day more than i wait for any MCU movie (and i like those a lot... well, with some exceptions) I liked how it started, with a LOT of energy and some humor. Elianna's change of attitude in the last two panels was funny. Like, she knew she was goind to be in trouble, but that didn't stop her to give her speech. On top of that, it is kinda curious how by these two pages one can imagine the "roles" of Max and Nadine. I mean, the principal looks like some good guy that prefers to avoid conflict; in contrast to Nadie, who seems like a very strict and direct person (a dommie, if i had to guess). Anyway, i'm really happy that TRW started. By the way, ¿did you play Uncharted 4? The vice-principal reminds me to Nadine Ross from that game.

Bob Fink

I think I'm going to like the Vice Principle, she doesn't seem to take any shit ;-)


I'm guessing at least one of the storylines for TRW involves Eliana either learning the perks of engaging in a little sin or that she already is and her hypocrisy gets "exposed." At least I hope so because damn she's hot.

Squid Hills

Okay, I'm liking this already. I'm signing up for the long haul with TRW.

Lord Washington

I’d have thought someone could get expelled for pulling off shit like that.


Quite likely! Though it will be quite evident as the pages go by that this world doesn't have the same rules as ours does. :)


Fuuuuck I knew I got that name from somewhere. She even looks a bit like Nadine from Uncharted. (Though my Nadine has a bigger ass.) This might be an issue here. I'm suddenly thankful her first name has yet to come up in the comic.