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So remember when I said that my next comic would debut in March? Well it still is everywhere else, but I've decided I have enough of a head start on pages to begin posting early at Patreon next week. I know I said I still had a lot of prep to do, but it's become clear to me that maybe I was trying to do a little too much in addition to building up a buffer of pages. For example it's obvious to me now that TRW doesn't need a dedicated website right this second, and that can wait until the comic is more established. (Also you know how I said I wanted a new font for the comic? That idea can go straight to hell. After three weeks it's now painfully apparent that I was already using the best comic font the internet had to offer.)

In any case to everyone here who stuck with me during this hiatus you have my sincerest thanks, and This Romantic World starts next Thursday. :)



Bob Fink

This is awesome news and I can't wait to see what you show us ;-)

alex baker

i am loving parker isn't that her name, platinum blonde girl next door with dreams of bukkake. my kind of fetish i mean girl ;)


Right on! Hope you like her first appearance when it comes along. :)


Neat! Part of me expected the cover to be like the "Switch" covers, except have the trio of friends (Parker/Jane/girl I'm brainfarting on right now) sharing the role. Seeing Parker up on the front is interesting- I've been curious about which characters were gonna be the most prominent right away, and this looks like a mark in her favor :). As I've said, she's probably gonna prove to be the most popular because of her quirks, so this'll be fun! PS OH MY GOD ANOTHER BUTT-FOCUSED REINBACH DRAWING!!!! We'll corrupt you to the side of the Ass Men yet :)! The view of her face is pretty cute, too.


Glad you like it! For such a simple pose This page was a lot of trial and error.


Really liking the cover pose of Parker's slight wardrobe malfunction she has going on. Nice font choice as well for the title of the new comic. I might have to go back and read up on all the new characters before the comic starts.


Hey thanks! Choosing that font was way more of an ordeal than it should have been lol.


This is looking pretty... Romantic! :D


I certainly hope so! It'd be way too much of a pain in the ass to come up with a new title at this point if the romance levels were less than worldly.