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Hey guys this marks the first in a series of canonical commissions written by Mystery Street and myself. They take place between the end of Switch and the beginning of TRW, hope you like them! :)

Mr. Fontaine always conducted himself professionally while teaching his class, and he expected the same consideration from his students. Which is why he would often have to reprimand a young senior named Brad Thompson for consistently failing to keep his hands to himself around his girlfriend, Nikki, while class was in session.

Every class was a headache with those two, but Mr. Fontaine had some luck when Brad switched classes at the end of the quarter, leaving Nikki behind. 

Nikki Wynheart was smarter than average and kept to herself mostly, at least during school. More than once Fontaine had caught her eyes lingering on him after class, but had thought little of it. Beautiful as she may be, smart women frankly weren’t his type. 

But there had been something different about her since Brad transferred away. She was suddenly becoming flirtatious towards her teacher, to a borderline aggressive degree. During any given class she’d provide countless opportunities for him to look down her shirt. But this wasn’t the first time Fontaine had been tested by a sexy young woman, he ignored her as well as he could.

One afternoon after class Fontaine stepped out to the breakroom for a cup of coffee, ready to settle into a nice long slog of grading papers before he could call it a day. 

When he returned to his classroom, he found Nikki sitting at her desk dressed in her cheerleading uniform. Her legs were spread, fingering her pussy she smiled as Fontaine leaned back against his desk, watching her. 

“...Hi, Mr. Fontaine,” she spoke in a lusty voice. “I’m here to turn in my homework,’” Nikki grinned.

Fontaine set his coffee down. His type or not, she had just become more than he could resist. 

To be continued!




Jesus, this guy. "Smart women frankly weren't his type". What a dickhead, lol. What does that say about poor Bria? This explains why nobody can be monogamous in the Switchverse- the second someone's with a member of the opposite sex and their significant other isn't around, their pants go into overdrive and they just HAVE to jump their bones, no matter their romantic entanglements :).


Wow... what a lucky teacher. Really looking forward this story!


Well in TRW I do plan on getting more away from the "everybody cheats" mentality. That's why I scrapped the idea of Jane having a boyfriend way back when. As for Bria I guess I could have worded that differently. She's smart sure, but she's also very submissive. So that balances things out from his point of view.


Heheh, I guess it's not SO insulting to Bria- she could just be of average intelligence. Or maybe her love triangle/breakdown affected her grades or something :). That's interesting about the cheating aspect- you just wanted everyone to have as many opportunities to have partners as you could get, and didn't want to run into the mess of having someone need to be a cheater? I can see that- it paints the cheaters in a negative light, and tends to dominate the story more than "X gets with Y, then later gets with Z" would. It probably fits better to just have everybody treat promiscuity as the default :). I mean, it IS a Pornverse.


Pretty much. I do plan on there being a few couples, but expect a lot more "open relationships" and "friends with benefits" scenarios.


Very nice!


Something we decided to cut back on a little is that Brad is a bit of an obnoxious prick. Things will hopefully become more clear about her motives as we see more of her.


Right that was on me. I had two paragraphs all about what a little douche Brad was, but I cut them because they felt like a whole separate story. I thought implying that he couldn't last the length of a class without trying to feel up his girlfriend would present him as obnoxious enough, but I could have gone a little farther with it.

Bob Fink

He'd be a fool to ignore her advances, what's not to like, she's a redhead and has a smokin hot body!


Well in theory he'd have to be careful, as every time he screws a student he risks his career. But that's never stopped him before lol.


Oh, now that's very interesting. Because to me, as written, it came off like "so as soon as her boyfriend wasn't there to feel her up, she immediately decided to bone the most attractive person around", so she comes off like an uber-slut who's cheating on her boyfriend. I mean, his only crime is "touching his girlfriend repeatedly", which in the Switchverse, is hardly a major felony (compared to "having affair with stepdaughter" or "fucking several female students"- the later of which is LITERALLY a felony in most places). So he comes off way more innocent to me! Looking forward to more, and seeing how her relationship with her douchey boyfriend is explained. Not that MR. FONTAINE is a beacon of holiness by comparison to anyone :).


Depending on the state, he also risks PRISON time! If Switch/TRW takes place in real-world Washington, then it's definitely illegal (yes I googled it, lol), even if the girl is eighteen (the law says "16 and up", because anything below that is statutory rape, I guess). In many other states it's illegal, as well. Like, the law don't screw around with that. Of course, the Switchverse may operate under different rules, so I hesitate to declare anything definitively :).

alex baker

will we ever see mr fontain's entire harem?