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So far pretty much every girl I've written in the story is at least a little bisexual. I've actually considered writing it into the canon, in that since the girls outnumber the guys like 5 to 1 in this town a lot of women just end up dating each other because there aren't enough men to go around. 

But the bisexual streak ends with Abbey, she's my first character who is 100% lesbian. I know it's bit late to introduce the idea, now that we're down to the last few pages of the story. But she'll have a much bigger role in my next comic and I wanted to set her up a bit here. 




Aww man. I was looking forward to seeing her get fucked


That's not to say she won't be for certain. There may be circumstances where she could end up being screwed by a man. It's just not where her romantic interests lie, and the new comic will be focused on that kind of thing.


Now that's quite the intriguing look in the last panel. It's a shame you can't end the comic on this page and that expression because it'd be perfect for a final shot.


I suppose it would have worked well! But there is still the matter of the giant purple woman in the room that needs to be resolved, so a few more pages are in order.


Awww... Abbey needs a hug.

Bob Fink

I really like how you handled this and that look on Abby's face is priceless, the shocked dumbstruck look ;-)


Hah- I knew she was gonna say that. Casey's embarrassment here was super-cute and fun to see. The "Tsundere" line HAS to be coming from Elianna. It's funny- out of the new students, she's probably the one that physically appeals to me the least (just not my "type" as much as the others), but her goofy personality might be the one I find funniest out of this group of weirdos :). The "Dawg" line is probably Liz- who I'd consider probably the second-hottest physically, but has a personality that seems like "everything I find annoying about young people in one person". I seriously can't tell if I'm gonna find her amusing, or REALLY annoying :).


Time will tell! Part of the goal for the next comic is to have enough characters to go around, in the sense that if one character doesn't appeal to you, you're never more than a few pages away from someone who does. And since you got Liz and Elianna right I'll just tell you the rest: That's Lydia saying she knew it, Derek saying how hot it is, and Jane wanting them to kiss. :)


Really love embarrassed Casey. Second to pouty Casey.


Glad to hear it! She's not the type to embarrass easily but I'm sure we'll see her this way again. :)


I do like the idea of a lesbian in the Switch-verse. In a "Porn-Verse", most women are bi, so it's kind of cute that somebody only likes one thing. I wouldn't stress about a 5-to-1 ratio, as I definitely recall seeing plenty of guys in Switch. They just... are kind of background faces and penises that pop up every here and there. Many of your side-stories involve random males, so it seems there ARE some... they just aren't important to the plot :).


Bria: bwahaa !!


I guess that's true. The guys are there, just not stealing the show.


Does she have a broken tooth?


She sure does! I got the idea when I saw something online about how Japanese women will actually have their teeth chipped surgically just to give their smiles a more "youthful" look. I thought the idea sounded perverse myself, but it certainly fits for a porn character.