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Last month's sketch for Kaldonis, this is Angel from a classic Neo Geo shooter called Shock Troopers. I didn't own a Neo Geo console growing up. In fact, I didn't even know anyone who owned a Neo Geo growing up. Maybe you can chalk this up to my being raised in a backwater town, but I never met anyone rich enough to own a $650 system with games that could go for over a hundred dollars. Hell, the rich people I did meet, if they even played games at all, just had a Super Nintendo or  Sega Genesis like the rest of us. And true to form, the Neo Geo remains the most expensive console to collect for to this day, with games fetching thousand dollar price tags on ebay. No thanks. I love having physical copies but if I really want to play one of these old games I'll just spend eight bucks on Steam. 




She's gorgeous. Love that cute little pout.


Awesome! This has to be one of the more obscure characters I've done in awhile.

Bob Fink

She is so smokin hot and has very sexy large tits with rock hard nipples :D


huh- never heard of this one- the character, or the game. The NEO-GEO system was spoken of only mythically by the people I knew- the arcades were too far away from where I lived, and nobody I knew was REMOTELY rich enough that their parents could afford one of those monsters, and so their games were ones I could only play on the nearby ski hill, on rare school trips. So it's a part of gaming that's always eluded me. (LOL, accidentally put this in Kumi Pumi's feed and confused the shit out of her XD)


I imagine that's a very real danger when you subscribe to multiple artists! XD