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I know I have readers that would like this scene to just keep going, but after ten straight pages of porn I'm finding myself anxious to get the story moving again, especially since we're coming up on the end. 

Plus there seemed no better opportunity to close the scene than right here, by having Royce collapse in a pitiful heap. Serves him right for trying to keep up with two horny girls half his age! 




Nah, this is a good place to pause. This is surprisingly adorable


What was Casey going to say before Royce passed out? I want another turn and this time.... what?


Glad you think so! The sex scene may be over but Casey and Bria still have some more to talk about before the end. :)

Lord Washington

XD id like to see some action with just Casey and Bria, but I’ll be fine if you wanna move the story onward.


Hmm I'll admit I didn't intend for her cut-off sentence to come off as a tease to the reader. I just wanted to show that she was expecting even more out of Royce. But what makes sense to me is that she'd be about to demand he fuck her slow and gentle like he just did with Bria. He's usually fairly rough with Casey because that's what she likes. But in watching them have something soft and romantic she got suddenly jealous and wanted that too. Though it probably wouldn't have worked, she'd have been thrashing and dirty talking by the end.


Well for what it's worth this won't be the last time I pair these two girls up. :)

Bob Fink

I can't think of a better way to become totally exhausted and collapse, what a wonderful way to go :D


Ha ha ha- one of the funniest Switch moments, definitely. Casey with the "peek-a-boo" bang is a really hot look- I noticed it in the "let me fuck you in my mother's bed" scene, and it's in multiple panels here! DAMN, girl! Bria's ENORMOUS cream-pie is such a classic "Switch-verse" acceptable break from reality :). How much more is there to go for the comic, now?


To his credit Royce has been contending with women of seemingly endless sexual appetites the entire time we've seen him and mostly held his own. Even a porn character's gotta have limits eventually lol


*Spills some Powerthirst on Royce*


Two short scenes and an epilogue. 10 to 12 pages maybe? But I've been wrong before as you know.


The older guys do at least, to be sure. So far I've portrayed the younger ones like Kal and Miguel to be only limited by how much the woman's body can take, but I'm sure I'll find a way to wear the younger guys out eventually.


Heh- you won't hear ME lecturing someone about being long-winded :).


The cut-off didn’t come off as a tease. I was just curious to know what she wanted to do next