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One perk I discovered to having the male character blow his load a bit early is that his partner doesn't necessarily need to be screaming her ass off reacting to it. Bria's certainly still enjoying herself but it was nice to present a more subdued reaction that wouldn't really be practical if she was having an orgasm. 

Meanwhile this marks my second attempt at an X-Ray shot. The first time was inside Bria too if memory serves. I don't mean to designate her as the internal cumshot girl but I just felt like it fit here, since they made such a point about him doing it inside her on the previous page. What do you guys think? As always I appreciate the feedback. 




HOLY FUCK AN INTERNAL CUMSHOT- I don't remember the first one, but this is very good. Reminds me of RoxyRex's stuff (though he does the "X-ray reproductive system fill-job" style). Like I said in the HF page last week, this scene is made so much better by re-reading the comic from the beginning. There's that scene with Casey, in the shower, telling Switch that she's now only chasing physical pleasures (sex with Bria; threesome with mommy & stepdad) because she's decided that no one's ever loved her and no one ever will. Where we really get the full explanation of her character, and why Casey is the way she is. Knowing that, then seeing this scene, where Casey is having sex with the man she loves (and even CONFESSES that love to, and has it reciprocated) and the girl of her dreams? That makes it SO MUCH BETTER as a cap-off to the comic. Of course, Casey's still a freaky nutjob, but I'd say she's gotten enough character growth to earn her happy ending :).


Well shit.... that's a lot


There was another internal shot with Bria last chapter.


I had to go checking- I forgot about that one. Ladies kissing on that page distracted me :).


I'm assuming this is the end of the sex scene because there's no way he should have anymore cum left. The giant loads from Royce must've been something you decide to add in a little later. He definitely didn't come this much in the earlier chapters lol.


To be honest, i don't remember if the first internal cum shot was with Bria, but in this case i think it works well since, as you said, it has been stablished that he is gonna come [and what a huge load!!]...and i really like the way you show the situation, with a carefull pace and keeping in mind the evolution of the characters on it. And, on a side note, holy shit... Bria is way too sexy...


That's why his hands have gotten so big- he's inflated with the stuff :)!


If I cared about realism I might observe that that appears to be more jizz than can realistically fit in his balls. As is, holy Hell am I loving this.


I think that with almost every cumshot scene I've ever seen (excluding real porn usually) lol. But I love how over the top it is here.


The last panel with the almost literal rive of cum is pretty fantastic. It would make for an excellent standalone pic.

Bob Fink

So awesome, and she really seems to have enjoyed herself :-), now who's going to clean her up :D


Jesus Royce what kind of juice do you drink?

Senoj Nai

Hell yes. All internal, all the time.


I had to go back and check. I think I forgot because of the girls making out in the same page- silly lesbians distracted me :).

Stush Cinta (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-31 09:47:00 Heck yeah, sooo hot <3
2017-11-10 08:48:49 Heck yeah, sooo hot <3

Heck yeah, sooo hot <3


Personally, I like to see the entrance of the womb represented in the internal images for perspective on how deep inside the penetration is.


This the last cumshot of the comic. I wanted to go out on the biggest one yet! :D


Hey thanks for the feedback man! And I'm glad you like Bria. :)


I agree! If viewers want to see realistic porn, the competition is far too vast for me to keep up with. With artwork you can go places real porn actors can't, so I do my best to capitalize on that. :)


Glad you like that shot in particular! It's not the most flattering angle on her face and I struggled to get her looking right.


Not sure Casey's in any shape for it right this second lol. But more on that next week. :)


Sounds like something worth inventing for the Switch-Verse! :)


Good to know! This certainly won't be the last internal shot I do.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs</a>


Great sequence. And like you said earlier, she might be getting the cum of ten men from Royce, which may be unrealistic, but this is the beauty of where you can go in the comic world. Keep up the good work!