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Guess who just spent the last week playing the hell out of Super Mario Odyssey?  Longtime readers may recall that I'm a huge Nintendo fanboy, whenever a new Mario, Zelda, or Metroid game comes out I pounce on it like a sumo wrestler. 

I was looking forward to making this one because I love wedding-dress porn and rarely get to draw it. But also there's something I really like about Princess Peach as a character: Nintendo still has the balls to keep her as downright girly as she's always been. 

I'll explain. While there are exceptions, (Bayonetta springs to mind,) it seems like to me female characters in gaming aren't allowed to act like girls anymore. I don't want to rant too much but I will say that if Nintendo was any other company Peach would have been "updated" to be sporting cargo pants and a bow and arrow years ago.   




Haha, I also have a thing for wedding dress porn- MinaCream did a pin-up of Wedding Peach, and I snapped right up and got a pic of her being filled while... well, with only the leggings and the veil, because I ALWAYS want girls as naked as possible in my porn, but close enough!! That's like a burlap sack by MY standards! This is wonderful- I love her huge eyes and the way she's looking up with this face as if to say "was... was that good enough, my darling?" There's nothing quite like an unsure girly-girl to set off the kink-alarms! And man, she must have done a good job to earn THAT gooey mess! I hear you on the girliness, too. Even Disney nearly did this with Tinker Bell in their second CGI movie of hers, but thankfully she was back to basics in the next one. They also realized the power of Girly Dresses when Frozen made ALL THE MONEY, so there's still hope for those who like the girly-girls :).


I knew this would gonna happen, and i LOVE IT. Wedding Princess Peach is so cute and adorable. For what i've been reading, Odyssey is a great game and i really want to play it, but firts i want to shorten my backlog. About what you say, i think Nintendo knows pretty well that they can't make big changes to it's classical characters, maybe that's why the keep it the way they are... and, as you say, it is fine that way. I mean, i really like strong women in gaming (aloy from HZD being one of my favorites), but it is also becoming a recurrent trope and it looks like girls aren't allowed to be girly or it would be a problem.


I was thinking the same, about her expression, is too darn cute that is enchanting.

Bob Fink

Very nice. Love to see a sexy bride get a good facial :D


I agree, but the upside of tropes is that eventually the audience gets sick enough of them that they swing back the other way. :)


Hey you're right I forgot about Frozen, that had some girly characters indeed.


Disney seems to alternate. "Girl Power" stuff like Brave pokes holes in the "pretty dresses", but the Disney Marketing Department knows EXACTLY how to make money, so they put the next movie's characters in pretty, pretty dresses. Ironically, Frozen is probably a way more feminist movie than Brave, without being misandrist at the same time.