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With this scene I want to show something you almost never see in porn: the guy is about to blow his load a bit early. A couple of factors are contributing the way I see it. One is that Bria is quite a bit tighter than Royce is used to. But more than that, I like the idea that since Royce is accustomed to dominant women, Bria being so polite and submissive turns him on a bit more than he can handle. It's about to get messy. XD



Bob Fink

You also rarely hear the male counter part ask if they really want this, not your typical Royce either. I would also say the other thing accelerating his desire to cum is the site of Casey finger fucking herself very loudly :D


Yeah, the cum-filled pussy masturbation is a great selling point in this page. :)


And I'm sure having less (or no) sex after breaking up with Sylvia contributed to it as well. Casey did imply that she hadn't seen him in a while and I imagine he didn't have that many other options for getting his rocks off lol


He’s fucked Synthiria at least a couple of times since the breakup


Was that canon? I barely remember those scenes and I just assumed they weren't totally canon with the rest of the story.


Yep totally canon. And when Casey finds out it's not going to be pretty. ;)


I guess it's only okay when he fucks her and Sylvia then? That makes sense lol


Actually Casey would love to watch Royce fuck most any woman, Bria being the rare exception because she's her best friend. (and even then she doesn't mind much as this page makes quite obvious) She just hates Synthiria ever since their little catfight and would be pissed if she found out Royce fucked her.


Oh my God- he asked PERMISSION before ejaculating into the vagina of a girl young enough to be his daughter? Royce really IS the nicest guy in the Switch universe! Bria repeatedly calling him "Mister Becker" is SO sexy in a totally wrong kind of way. As I said with the Lydia pic, I LOVE "Nice Sex", so I'm still loving this scene, and hope it goes on (is this the final scene in Switch? I forget- it's definitely been more than the "thirty pages" you said in the Oct. 2016 Reintalk video :)... not that I'm complaining!). It's really fantastic to see people having a good time, being all nice and complimentary and stuff. The comic would be boring if it was ALL that, so I'm appreciative of the meaner stuff too (ya gotta have conflict!), but this... this is the BEST.


Are Sylvia and Royce legally divorced or just separated? Love that last panel btw


Glad to hear it, and as of this chapter they're separated, but between how much Sylvia clearly still cares for her ex and Royce and Casey declaring their love for each other I'd say the marriage isn't looking great.


Yeah I certainly went on longer than I planned lol. And while this is the last sex scene of the comic it's not the finale just yet, as there are still some loose ends to tie up. ;)


I'm interested to see how this all gets resolved. Now that they've declared their love for each other, where do they go from here? Will they become an actual couple, because I don't see that working out. Sex is one thing, but actually dating your ex-wife's 18 year old daughter is a little weird lol. I can't wait to see what Sylvia does when she finds out about their relationship. Then there's still the unresolved stuff between Casey and her father. Plus you said there's going to be some conflict between Casey and Synthiria too. Whole lotta drama on the horizon lol


Cool! I remember reading that "Abbey will turn back up before the end!" and I was like "... did that happen? I forget." Last I remember she was screaming at Casey and crying.


Well it's not like Sylvia has a leg to stand on regarding being pissed off about it- she fucked Casey TOO! And there wasn't even any coercion involved. She just went and did it :)!


I mean tbh, in terms of "Nice" men in the Switch universe, what competition does Royce really have? I'd say next to none. Quite a few blokes in this comic aren't really evil or anything but they are far from nice. Plus some of them haven't really been explored much. Meanwhile Royce has had a lot of screentime.


Royce & Warren weren't so bad. Though Royce is having an affair with his stepdaughter, and Warren's made some nasty comments about Casey (of course, his assertions were CORRECT). So everyone's got a flaw or two. But compared to any guy who had an actual character (ie. not just a portable penis for a sex scene :)), they're saints.