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Lydia was hardly surprised that she and Parker were losing at the game, knowing Jane it was probably rigged somehow. But in this case Lydia didn't care. Sex happens to be one of the few recreational activities she allows herself to enjoy, as it's a way for her to rebel against her parents without them even knowing. And when Jane engineers these little situations it creates a window for Lydia to get sex without having to openly express that she wants it.

But that doesn't mean she's always especially pleased with how things work out. The results of the game paired her off with some marginally attractive simpleton who wore the consistently dumbfounded expression of a man who just took a sudden blow to the back of the head. As he lumbered ahead of her down the hall leading to an empty bedroom, her expectations were low. 

To say the least, she was pleasantly surprised. He was gentle, took his time, and even had the decency to put on a condom without making her have to ask. Lydia found it increasingly difficult to keep her voice down as he fucked her, not wanting to give Jane the satisfaction of knowing how much she was enjoying herself in here. 

Her efforts failed when an explosive orgasm made her scream loud enough to shake the house. There was no way Jane and the others hadn't heard her from the living room. Afterwards her partner couldn't seem to understand that she was upset with him for making her come too hard. But that was his problem. 

That concludes the Halloween Special! Have a good one tomorrow everyone! :)




Wow, I REALLY like this update! 1) I would have said Lydia, as she existed in the first introductory pin-up, was the least-attractive of the new characters, having set off the least of my fetishes. So I was all ready to give this "backhanded" compliment like "what I like about Lydia is that she's INTERESTING-looking, and stands apart from all the others!" And instead, you make her look STUNNING here, with a great body and bigger breasts than she had before (hers looked small-ish, but not as perky as Parker's). So now she's moved up the hawtness ranks. I REALLY like that she has a different kind of nose than every other character. 2) I REALLY like the story. I know you enjoy having your Mr. Fontaines plowing the hot girls, but I absolutely adore stories where the nicer (if stupid) guys give the girls great sex- the "douchebags scoring hot chicks" thing can wear on a guy over time, y'know? Now I'm thinking it'd be super-cute if the stuck-up Lydia found herself liking some stupid imbecile because he was so good at fucking her :). Her orgasm shaking the whole house, thus embarrassing her, is hilarious, too. 3) Jane seems like she has a LOT of Casey in her- she's a bit crazy, she appears very self-centered (the "greed" thing), she instigates people having sex, she puts her friends into these situations- she seems like she's gonna set off a lot of plots! I'm sad we won't see her in a costume, but I guess we DID just have two pin-ups featuring her (PS if you drew her in a witch costume, I wouldn't be upset). 4) Condoms EXIST in the Reinbachverse? Will wonders never cease! 5) I'm interested in how Jane & Lydia will be thought of by other characters, given their personalities and different appearances. Living in a world of Casey & Bria body-types, would Jane's extra meat or Lydia's comparative lack of boobage be brought up? Or is everyone in the Reinbachverse such a horndog that "hot is hot". Never let it be said that I can't over-think a Porn Comic :).

Bob Fink

Awesome render and sounds like Lydia enjoyed the hell out of herself in spite of the guy not being all that appealing. Goes to prove looks aren't everything :D


What did Fontaine do to you? You always hate on him lol. He’s not even involved in this story and you bring him up 😂


I didn’t even know condoms existed in this universe. I thought getting an STD or pregnant was impossible lol


I know, right?? I was like "a CONDOM? Where did he get THAT?" Now I'm picturing the sheer magnitude of a box of condoms in this universe. The must be as round as Coke cans!