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Casey lets out one last scream of ecstasy before her body seems to simply give out. Kal lunges to catch her but doesn't quite make it in time, her back hits the floor with a soft splat as she lands in a puddle of cum.  She lay there quivering, any questions are answered only by incoherent mumbles. 

Kal is concerned that maybe they'd pushed her too hard, but such thoughts momentarily evaporate when he hears the bell ring at the front of the garage. 

The three men look at each other, unanimous in a single thought: a cum-soaked high-schooler is the last thing they want a customer to see on the floor in their shop. Word travels fast in a small town. 

Kal barks orders to his crew, suddenly, oddly enough, reminded of their time spent playing football back when they were Casey's age. It feels like that was a hundred years ago now. He muses to himself that this time the "ball' is a dripping wet young woman as he picks her up and slings her over his shoulder.  Mercifully, the stairs that lead up to his apartment above the shop are right here in his office. 

But he's not out of the danger zone yet. If his younger sister Millie happens to be home, it's the end of the world. He can't even begin to imagine how he'd explain his way out of this one.

But his luck holds, the familiar drone of heavy metal emanating from her door masks his dash to his bedroom perfectly. He lays Casey down on the bed, she's fast asleep. He breathes a sigh of relief as he rummages for some clothes, still best to hurry, the customer downstairs may have asked for him. 

Kal can't help but smile as he walks past her, confident that he finally satisfied this particular customer.

Soon he finds himself right back where he was when Casey first stormed in, working on the same bike. The whole encounter with her had lasted less than an hour, but he still feels like he's put in a full day already. 

He hears movement from his office, through the window he catches a glimpse of Casey wearing one of his shirts. He turns his attention back to the bike while she gets dressed into her own clothes. 

Kal feels he's earned a little bit of smugness here, but his attitude changes as she flings his door open and stomps out to where he's working. 

Before he can open his mouth she's already yelling about what a shitty job he did on her truck. 

Un-fucking-believable. She's seriously acting like nothing even happened. Kal closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, accepting of the fact that there's just no pleasing some people.  

The end! Hope you guys liked the story and thanks again to Kaldonis for commissioning the job! :)




Haha, Casey is, as always, impossible and nuts, yet somehow lovable all at the same time. The little descriptions are funny. Also, I don't think I knew that this was a small town- given that all the students are constantly invited to sexy parties, and most of the teachers are fucking their students, you would think everyone had already seen everyone else naked by this point :). Haha, the super-globs of semen are pretty great. The "pools" under and above her breasts look awesome, and I actually think there's a lot of artistic talent in that "swirl" of semen across her breasts- like it's actually legitimately interesting to look at on an artistic level, as it leads the eye around the boobs. You're like the Michelangelo of sperm :). Also: Girls skooshing their boobs between their arms? Always amazing. Her dead expression is pretty funny, too. This was a fun lil' series, and another great look into the mind of the unpleaseable, horny, insane blood-fetishist we should all be terrified of, but kind of want to know in real life!


Looks awesome. This is the quintessential "fucked silly and exhausted," from the huge glob pouring out her mouth to the glazed look in her eyes. Love it, man.


Great! I don't get a chance to draw Casey looking totally wrecked that often so this was a fun one. :)


Right on glad you like the sperm patterns especially, as they can be trickier than one might think lol.

Bob Fink

Guess he's not as studly as he thinks he is ;-) Did he really think they could really satiate Casey? :D


Well he certainly did in a sexual sense, it just wasn't enough to make her forget about being mad at him once the orgasms wore off lol.


Be cool if these miniseries had a consistent tag across them to make them easier to find in the patreon feed.