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When Parker showed up for Jane's Halloween party, there weren't nearly as many people in attendance as Jane had implied there would be. The group was a small, intimate even, mix of boys and girls from school.

It wasn't long before Jane had them all playing a game that Parker had never heard of, some kind of Truth or Dare game with sticks that people played in Japan. If you lose you have to do whatever the "king" tells you to.

Parker lost a lot. It started innocently enough, being commanded to sit on people's laps or let someone spank her on the ass. But things escalated quickly and soon she was having to make out with Holly and let the boys take turns sucking on her tits.

Parker felt like the game was getting out of hand and started to protest. But Jane informed her that this game was sacred and steeped in tradition, and to refuse to comply with the rules would be a grave insult to all the noble people of Japan. 

Parker backed down. She didn't want to do anything disrespectful to the noble Japanese. Or be found guilty of a hate crime against their culture, as Jane informed her she very well could be. 

As expected the game kept amping up, and eventually Parker found herself committed to having sex with some boy she didn't know who was dressed as Batman. This would have been too much, even for her. But the truth was she'd come to the party secretly hoping to get laid, though that wasn't something she wanted to admit to anyone else. So she feigned a good deal of reluctance in front of the others until she was alone with her masked lover.

He was rough, clumsy, and finished in less than a minute. More than anything else Parker was just surprised. She'd never been with anyone this bad before. She always fakes orgasms to be polite, but this was over before she could even put on the show. 

Worst of all, he didn't even do the one easy thing he could have done to make her happy: he came inside instead of shooting his load all over her. If it's one thing Parker loves, it's being soaked with cum. The feel of it dripping down her face and body makes her skin tingle every time. In fact, if she'd had her way in the game, every guy at the party would be jerking off on her face right now. But that would have been too embarrassing to admit in front of everyone, especially Jane and Lydia. She didn't want her best friends to think she was a pervert with a sick fetish.

She told him he was "a super amazing stud who rocked her whole world." Little did he know that was the absolute harshest response she ever gave to anyone who had sex with her.

As she laid back on the bed and gave her best attempt at a contented sigh, she wondered how Lydia was faring in the game. When Parker left she'd been losing pretty bad as well. 

Continued next week! :)    





This was a nice surprise. This guy really disrespected the Batman costume though lol. Looking forward to next week


LOL- the story's pretty funny. I find it hilarious that she's just "damn, I wish he'd covered me with cum!"- that is such a porn fetish. The bit about not wanting to offend the Japanese is possibly the funniest thing you've written- your comic isn't usually big on "joke" humor, but that is hilarious :). I was all excited you were doing Disney porn again, but I guess a girl in the costume is the same thing :). Parker's face is super-cute and pouty, her legs are long, and her breasts are absolutely adorable- perky and beautifully-shaped! If Parker keeps making faces like that, she'll be one of my new favorites!


OMG I just realized that Parker and Jane are good friends, yet totally opposite body types. This means they MUST be in a threesome. Or lez out. I demand it, Reinbach. As a repeat commissioner, I feel entitled, lol :).

Bob Fink

Very hot, can’t wait to see what happens next :D


You know, re-reading the past few stories with the new characters, I realize your new comic is going to be a test of my shallowness :). Parker here has arguably the least number of "fetish-points" of mine (she's cute, but has a petite figure with few curves, and smaller breasts), but her personality makes her more adorable and nice. Jane, however, is INSANELY attractive to me, but she seems to be piling on the negative character traits (she's materialistic, manipulative, pressures her friend into sex she's uncomfortable with, then knowingly lies to her), giving her a very... I dunno, less attractive personality. Though it occurs to me if she was like full-blown "Veronica Lodge" evil, she'd go all the way to perfect again, so I'm weird :). I'm gonna be forced to see how attractive I find a character I don't personally like, but find to be spectacularly good-looking, while her less-spectacular (I mean, comparatively) friend becomes a personal favorite just because of her personality. This is gonna be weird! I was totally not expecting to have this moral quandary, Reinbach- at least with Casey, she was entertainingly nuts and couldn't help it, lol.


Just zoomed in on her face - the detail you put in to her is incredible. She is exceptionally cute. Great expression. Long may she be unsatisfied.


Yeah, his faces just get better and better- he's done a million "pouty girl" faces, but this is by far the best :).


Awesome! And yeah he did bring shame to the legacy of Batman lol.


Well it sounds like it will be interesting for you to say the least so that's a good thing. :)