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Longtime followers of my Patreon feed already know how I feel about the Senran Kagura series, as I've drawn the characters on many occasions as monthly sketches for Kaldonis. But for the uninitiated I consider the games, which revolve around a group of top-heavy teenage ninjas and their ongoing quest to find new ways to sexually harass each other, to be a guilty pleasure. 

Here we have Ryona, my favorite of the cast. Presented as a masochist to an extreme degree, she's constantly getting off whenever anyone calls her names or hurts her physically. As expected, she gives the other girls the creeps. The only one who "gets" her is her sister Ryobi, who supplies her with the punishment she craves. Ryona's orgasmic squeals when her sister calls her a dumb bitch and spanks her ass make me laugh every time.

Maybe there's something wrong with me in that I find that kind of thing so funny, but all the same don't be surprised if I eventually wind up with a character of my own who gets aroused by pain and humiliation.   





Mmmmm, I love heterochromia in a woman! It's such a sexy feature! And a character aroused by pain and humiliation is a great source of both amusement and naughtiness. It opens up so many doors!


Oh yeah there's gold to be found in that concept, both sexual and comedic lol.


Anime personalities tend to be a little TOO quirky for my tastes, but "orgasming from abuse" sounds like it could be funny if someone WANTS to make someone cum an outrageous number of times :).


Do it. Do it now. Pretty please :)


She was my favorite out of the cast too.

Bob Fink

Very sexy little pussy cat :D


As soon as I come up with something good. I've got a tone of new characters on the way as it is lol.


It's certainly an acquired taste but it always cracks me up. XD