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Despite the fact I've been drawing porn for a living going on three years now, I've somehow never been hired to draw Hermoine here. Considering how enduring and popular Harry Potter porn is I find that pretty amazing.

I came in on the Harry Potter books later than most. The sheer popularity of the series created a worldwide mania that was inescapable. And eventually I found myself resenting the existence of the whole franchise  because I didn't like how something I wasn't interested in was absolutely fucking everywhere in pop culture.  (I'm experiencing a similar situation currently, as I believe I am indeed the only human being on Earth who doesn't care about Game of Thrones.)

But in Harry Potter's case I eventually caved and read the books. Had to admit they were hard to put down. Never got much into the movie adaptations but I did like some of the video games they made. Drawing this made me want to hit up ebay and start looking for them. 




I like the movies OK, but have never read the books. Hermione is still quite pretty, and your picture here is really better looking than the real (movie version) one. I like it!


what's your reference for this pic? it's damn good


I'm with you on the Game of Thrones deal.

Bob Fink

Very well done on your smokin hot depiction of the ever sexy in my mind anyway Hermoine. I too have not watch game of thrones as I can't see that progam alone worth getting HBO.


The shy look here is great, reminds me of Witch Trainer - there's a game for you!


0_0 ... Mother of GOD!! I have NEVER seen you draw hips this good before! This is AMAZING! Just... the way the light is highlighting the hips and her ribs, then the shading subtly shifts from the dark tones in the recesses to getting slightly lighter as you move up (ESPECIALLY around the abs- that subtle gradation is something I've never seen from you before)... I've never seen your skin-shading look so good! And those HIPS- so shapely! So round! You normally draw the upper-body so much bigger that I was staggered by this one. I didn't think your style could get EVEN BETTER, but it has. I hear you loud and clear on the Potter/GOT thing- I never got into either, so everyone being OBSESSED gets kind of annoying. The Wizarding World at Universal Studios is pretty cool, though. Easily matches Disney for sheer "theming" and putting you right into that world.


Just a random pic of some girl flashing in a bikini I found online. I mostly just used it to make sure I got the hands right, the rest is all me! :D


I agree, the number of streaming and cable services available is officially getting out of hand. Apparently I can't watch the new Star Trek without paying CBS an extra 6 bucks a month now.


Hey glad you like the extra effort I put into the skin tone here! And speaking of Disney you know who I feel really bad for lately? Anyone who hates Star Wars or superhero movies. Life must be a living hell for those people lol.


Great Highlights.


Thanks! I was looking at some art by Art Bro Sean who does a comic called "Spying With Lana" he does body highlights really well.