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EDIT: Slight color tweaks and revised Bria's dialog a little in panel three. 

It’s flimsy at best, but I have established some staples in the  Switch-verse. For example one rule is that condoms are rarely necessary  under any circumstances. Another is that when either a male or female  orgasms, the fluid results are excessive.

But another one I’d like to establish here is that when a man  ejaculates, only older, more experienced women could hope to swallow it  all. Teens like Casey and Bria are simply physically incapable of taking  it all down at once. Got to give the older girls an edge right?

Meanwhile a hundred and fifty pages sure feels like a milestone! It feels fitting that the big money shot happens to fall here. When I was writing this page I toyed with the idea of Bria either being surprised or reluctant to accept Casey's snowball, but then I remembered that I've literally drawn her licking semen out of Casey's pussy in a canonical commission. I decided that by now Bria is so indoctrinated to Casey's slutty lifestyle that she'd be expecting Casey to spit the cum in her mouth, and would be disappointed if she didn't.  I feel like I can still do a lot with Bria, but her days of being meek or shy about anything sexual are long gone. 




I'm sure there are still some things she can be shy about. She's done plenty but she's not quite the ultra whore who wouldn't bat an eye at anything lol Also which commission does she eat cum out of Casey's vagina? I have no memory of that!


I suppose that's true. If someone tried to piss in her mouth that would be something that would give her pause. I guess I should have said that by now she's drank so much cum that this kind of thing wouldn't phase her in the least.

Bob Fink

Nothing hotter that two smokin hot babes snowballing :D


Bria's face in the middle panel is hilarious. That whole panel is gold.


Oh man- sucking the cum straight out of his dick?!? Did you add that just because I mentioned it a couple weeks ago, or are we on the same pervert-wavelength again? That is FANTASTICALLY sexy. I love Casey's face as she's clearly struggling with the huge load, swallowing as fast as she can and STILL spilling some. Bria's face is so cute. It's almost sad that Casey's corrupted her into a total slut though, because I kinda miss shy, nervous "Oh NO, a big ol' penis is inside me, WHAT DO I DO?!?" Bria :). I get the impression that Royce is going to be doing a LOT more cumming as the sex goes on. Though this is like five people's worth of cum already, you never disappoint with the hugely-unrealistic sperm-baths people take :).

Stush Cinta

Ooooh, hot as hell! <3

Dean Sturtevant

sexy as hell, this is awesome :-D


If I can I'd like to show a little of how Royce isn't as young as some of the other men I've presented in the comic. But who am I kidding, these girls are going to keep him at it all night. :)