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This month's sketch for Mystery Street. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I fucking love Cutie Honey. I couldn't tell you why if you put a gun to my head, as I can't claim any of the recent iterations are especially good in a traditional sense. But thankfully it's one of those shows that's always getting rebooted every few years, and I always look forward to the next version. 



Bob Fink

I do have a weakness for a smokin hot redhead who loves to get nasty :D


Oddly, despite my love of both anime and perversion (but I repeat myself), I've never seen much Cutie Honey. I think the only time I saw it was probably the original one, during my trip to Japan circa 1998 or so. Standard bodice-ripping goofiness, but very tongue-in-cheek. Great POV shot! Those can be miserable to do :).


I was introduced to the character in the 90's version. And it was memorable for me in that it was the first cartoon I'd ever seen that had such blatantly explicit nudity. I've had a soft spot for Honey ever since.