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The idea of a threesome with her best friend and one of her teachers had been a little extreme for Bria at first. But now she found herself eager and anxious during the last hour of school on Fridays. Her panties were wet as she listened to Mr. Fontaine lecture, as she couldn't help daydreaming about what he'd be doing to her and Casey when class was over. At first she had resented her teacher for always demanding that they dress up for him, but now she was enjoying the cosplay, and was always excited to see what he'd picked out for them to wear this week.  

Bria's parents never approved of Casey. They considered her a "bad influence" on their daughter. And they had a point, as it was because of Casey that she was about to drive to a sleazy motel and fuck her teacher. But Bria wouldn't trade the time since meeting her for anything. As she could tell already that one day she'd look back on her time with Casey Holland as the most fun and exciting years she ever spent. 



Bob Fink

The perfect choice of costumes for Bria and Casey, you've really out done yourself this time :D They both look smokin hot!


Fantastic picture. Love Casey pulling on Bria's too :D i wonder what's the next set of costumes will be.


So Bria's parents never approved of Casey but they still let her stay with them when Sylvia took off?


Well in my head I imagined that just because they don't approve doesn't mean they wouldn't acquiesce to Bria if she begged them to let her stay. Bria's parent's aren't as bad as Lydia's.


EEYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! How did you know I had a huge Angel fetish? Who told you? And who let you put it on the hottest Switch-verse character ever? My penis can only get SO erect, Reinbach! Hell, it looks like he's fucking her up the ass, too. And then she's kissing Casey while getting her boobs played with. Unbelievable! I do hope we'll see some full-blown sex between Casey & Bria soon :). Also, HOLY SHIT, Mr. Fontaine has giant hands! Is he catching whatever Royce got :)?


I have to say, I'd love to see a split of "the adventures of Mr Fontaine." Through an average day of life, working, and fucking his students.


Well you'll definitely see him fucking more girls in the next comic. :)


Is this canon to the actual story because i remember casey has been wantng to bang bria for awhile now That and also a threesome with sylvia and royce


That she did. These are in full continuity with the comic, though I haven't worked a one-on-one Casey and Bria sex scene into the comic yet, it's pretty inevitable eventually.

Squid Hills

I love the use of erotic cosplay. The girls are certainly in the correct outfits to match their personalities.


It's nice, though I was really surprised that the book is ending with Royce as the main love interest. I always had it pegged as Bria being the endgame one. So much of Casey's internal turmoil was in getting Bria fo want her that way, and especially after their scene at the Party, I figured the finale would be the two of them. Was I ever in for a surprise. Not a great one, as I never really liked Royce much at all. But do what you do man.


No prob I understand. I do my best in every aspect of the comic but I'm well aware that what I come up with isn't always going to please everyone.