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Got to play a little more Injustice 2 this weekend and was inspired to draw Supergirl. Though rather than draw her more modern iteration I went with the classic Bruce Timm/Justice League Unlimited look with her. Can't say why I always liked this costume so much. Maybe because it doesn't even look like a real uniform? Seriously she just looked like a hot teenager on her way to some themed party wearing slutty Superman cosplay she put together at a thrift store. Why the hell else would a t-shirt have a cape attached? Ah well, implausible or not, it was a memorable and visually appealing design, and when it comes to art that's what matters in the end I suppose. 



Michael Wright

I loved Justice League Unlimited!

Bob Fink

Very nicely done, looks like she's digging a little anal :D


It was pretty common for teen girls to dress in belly-shirts at one point in the '90s, so you see that outfit type pop up a lot (Quinn in "Daria" had one, for example). It's a good "short-hand" for "this is a fun-loving teen girl" character. Very cute drawing! I like the littler boobs, and the unique pose- I don't think I've seen you draw anal from that position- certainly not with the "mid-90s Penthouse" vag-opening stretch, too. I still remember the days when much of your fanart was "Casey With Different Hair", so seeing all these different faces is excellent :).


Thanks! I went for a rounder face and shorter nose in attempt to make her a little more cute. So she's pretty much Abbey with different hair lol.


Haha, I suppose! Though really, there's only SO many kinds of female faces. Drawing a hundred chicks, even George Perez would double it up every now and then.