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Hey fun fact: the original draft of this page ended with Casey reaching into Royce's pants and stroking his dick. Which certainly wouldn't have been out of character for her, but once I roughed it out it was clear that would have been wildly out of place tonally with the rest of the page. As I've mentioned before I'm concerned about straying too far from the sex scenes for too long. This is a porn comic after all. But so far the last few pages have gone over surprisingly well, considering their lack of sexual content anyway. I figured I could afford one more nudity-free page in the interest of not having the final sex scene in the comic feel rushed. As always I'd love to hear what you guys think. 



Stush Cinta

This is a lovely moment~ I don't think i'd be lessened by being a bit more pervy! (Also that idea you had sounds super hot) But i think it works either way!


Jah, I can see that. I kinda expected some reference to anal celebration. But there's a time and place for humor, and maybe this works better straight.


Either decision would've worked. But i did see this scene coming so not surprised and it works. "Eep"


You made the right call. Her reaching into his pants on this page would have definitely felt out of place.


Sex is better when there is a story. Besides if I wanted sex without story, I would have just watched porn. Good work as always.


Maybe it's cliche, but sex is always better with love, so watching/reading about two characters with feelings for each other makes the sex so much hotter to me.


Yeah, tonally I'm glad you delayed the reaching for him. It would have felt like, I'm not sure, desperation? Like she was clutching at him like she didn't fully believe him. Anyway, good call.


Oh my God!!! ROMANCE... in PORN!!! That's like my favorite fetish ever! I actually have to warn people I commission that I have that weird desire to see people fuckin' because they're into it, and they love each other and stuff. Even the people who draw the weird rape stuff get requests from me for people to be kissing or smiling when they fuck :). Oh God... Casey's heartfelt smile... and the way she's tearing up when locking lips with Royce! I ... ugh! This is SO GOOD! I would buy this as a comic even if there were no bare titties. But the romantic stuff makes the bare titties all the sweeter. I like how it's all sweet and romantic, and there's still tittie-squishing and an upskirt shot :). Reinbach gotta Reinbach!


Yeah, knowing the characters makes this so much hotter than it if was just "The Adventures of the Chick Who Fucks Everything".


Oh God... I hope there's a later sex scene where they share the same feelings again... that would be explosively hot :).


I actually expected there to be a cock shot in this page. I dunno why I assumed as much but it's a good sign that you subverted this expectation. Personally I think people are more willing to look past lack of sex when there's some actual canon and they've been with the characters for a while. You know the build up will have a satisfactory payoff and after 141 pages you've earned enough trust to more or less get away with having the occasional batch of sexless story lol. Side note: I also like how Casey's 'I love you' is a big proclamation while Royce's is comparatively nonchalant. That amuses me and meshes quite well with their characters.


Not saying anything new here, but either would have worked. Time for everything and all that, though I'll admit the fact that she didn't yet is probably a good thing. I'm looking forward to the moment where they really tear one another's clothes off.


we have big boobs and a panty shot, im ok with that :D its not like you´ll switch 180degrees. we all know that sex is incoming! ^^ and its not like the characters grew on us or something like that, noooo xD so its ok to see some non-fucking once in a while, even for several pages in a row! :)

Bob Fink

I really like where you went with this page as it continues along the lines of Casey finally getting what Switch has been trying to tell her and teach her. Very well done indeed!


Is this the first time they've kissed?


Thanks! The last thing I want these final scenes to come off as is desperate so I'm glad I dodged a bullet there.


Hey thanks for noticing the difference in their confessions to each other. What you described is exactly what i was going for there.


Glad to hear! I felt like this long dry stretch was a gamble but it seems to have paid off. :)


The second actually. I just made a bigger production of it here since they just said they loved each other.


Good job buddy. This is a great page. I'd be just echoing everyone else's comments at this point. So I'll just say I can't wait for more :D

alex baker

i don't won't the comic to end but at the same time i really what to see what you have planned next

Squid Hills

I think not having Casey reach for Royce's dick was the smart call, here. Keep this page about emotion, make the next one about nookie.

King of Hearts

One quick question (since I agree with what everyone else has already said: you made the right call). Casey's font's special here, and I'm almost getting a Switch vibe from it (like, not QUITE Switch's crazy font, but it reminds me of it?). Is that on purpose or is this just supposed to be her voice being wobbly from being emotional/nervous? Because if it's done on purpose, it's really well done. (I'm still not over Switch actually encouraging Casey to be this romantic, btw, I fucking love it. I always just half-assumed she was some purely malicious lust demon/personality-figment or something while we wait for her true nature to eventually be revealed. This all changes my theory from Casey's "lust" to "passion", and I can't wait for more of the story. Keep it up, dude!)


Thanks I'll do my best to keep i up! As for Casey's font, I was going for that she's shaky and emotional. But it does look like Switch now that you mention it. Guess it's because it's all my handwriting lol.