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Don't recognize Demencia here? Not surprised, she's from a series of animated shorts that are pretty damn obscure, and only recently available in English online. Though I actually think the Spanish language original sounds better, which feels strange for me to say because I'm usually a staunch defender of English dubs when it comes to things like anime. 

Anyhow as for the show, "Villainous," it's funny enough but there's not much to recommend. You can watch all there is to see in less than ten minutes. What grabbed me the most were the character designs, as they are all fantastic, especially the lead character. But the cool design isn't the only reason I decided to draw Demencia today, it's also because I'm making a little prediction I'd like you all to come along for. 

See, last I heard there's a good chance Villainous could be turned into a full animated series. And if Americans get a hold of it I'd be willing to bet the internet will be flooded with Demencia porn overnight. Why her in particular? Well, she's a lot like Harley Quinn. It's not subtle at all. I've heard her described as a Mexican knock off of the character and I can't call that inaccurate. But I don't think the lack of originality would hurt her potential popularity much. 

So long story short, in 2019 or whenever if there's mountains of porn of this character everywhere, I wanted you guys to be able to say you saw Reinbach draw her first way back when. 



alex baker

holy shit that's perfect

alex baker

love the piercings


Thanks! I threw those in since they went over so well on my recent Jubilee pic, plus they seem to just fit on punk-looking characters like this.

alex baker

hey you do commissions right ?


Sure do! I'm pretty full at the moment but if you're interested hit me up with a message here or an email and I'll get you on the waiting list. :)

alex baker

what are your price ranges for a short comic like your samus aron short


What a coincidence. Another person I follow on Patreon just uploaded a Demencia pic earlier today.


Sorry I'm not accepting comic pages these days. Sad to say but I end up losing money on them because of the extensive time they take to produce. But I can post single pics with stories attached If that would work for you.


His commissions are SO GOOD! Constant updates and very quick. I totally recommend it.


I have no idea who this character is, but now I count myself among her biggest fans :). I love the shininess of her boobs- the close-up also gives a great view of the "dimple/milk thingies" of the nipples (if you'll forgive my clinical terminology).

Bob Fink

Awesome render, so hot and excellent job on the paint job ;-)