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This month's sketch for Kaldonis, this one was certainly fun because of all the characters I've drawn her fondling, Asuka's the first one that would definitely have a problem with it lol. 




I think the last one you did was with Homura right? You really think she'd be okay with being fondled?


Are these girls all from the same game? I know too many Asukas :). But wow- I LOVE her boobs. So gigantic and enticing! Her expression is adorable, too- just a look of total shock and horror. Her eyes are HUGE- probably the biggest I've ever seen you draw.


Had the lollipop not been in her mouth and her taken by surprise I don't think Kat would have gotten away as lightly as she did :P


I guess I could have said that of all the four leader girls, Asuka would have taken it the hardest. ;)


The Senran Kagura series caught my attention because of all the "titty-centric" games I've ever played, SK and Dead or Alive are the only games I've found that are actually fun to play once you get used to the fleshy exterior. ;)


Sorry, I read "Asuka would have taken it the hardest" and immediately passed out.

Bob Fink

You did such an amazing job on this one the look on Asuka's face is priceless, the pure look of surprise and horror of being groped by another woman love it ;-)