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This commission posed a question that would only ever be asked in my line of work: what would a Disney/Beauty and the Beast themed strap-on look like? I did my best! :D

Disney is as shrewd as ever to start adapting every one of their animated movies released from the late eighties to mid nineties into live action. Since pretty much the entire Earth's population has somehow seen the originals, checking out a remake seems like a given. But I wonder how they'll handle some of the sexual stuff the old movies got away with back then?

I referring mainly to The Little Mermaid and Aladdin of course, and the skimpy costume design for the leading ladies. I've drawn Jasmine a couple times, and in both cases stated my theory that her midriff baring outfit would never fly in the easily offended "won't someone think of the children" world we live in today. But with Aladdin supposedly next in their line up of adaptations, we'll finally get to see if I'm right. 

Whether they change the costumes or not there's bound to be backlash, and it seems like it's a headache either way for Disney. But maybe controversy is what they want? It certainly helps sell tickets, what do you guys think?




For a minute there I thought the candlestick guy had gotten really lucky...


That's probably the best Disney themed strapon you could've envisioned short of slapping an actual logo on it lol. I also really like that you've gone with a rarer (in porn at least) hairstyle for both of them. Was that the commissioner's idea or yours?


Wow, this piece is just great, in fact, these two are my favorites Disney princess... Thank you and thanks to the one who requested this... About the movies, the new ones, i relly dont like those remakes...and since Maleficent i havent watched another live action adaptation, tho, i want to see what theyre gonna do with The Lion King.


It's hard to say just HOW MUCH I love this, dude :). They look fantastic together- there's something just SO DIRTY about Disney Princesses banging each other's brains out, because they're such innocent characters. But this is magnificent. Ariel's "O" face is perfection. She looks completely adorable, perfect for the films (but in your style), and she looks like she had NO IDEA it was going to be this good. Her breasts are larger than I was thinking when I first commissioned the pic, but as soon as I saw your roughs, I was like "Nope- that's perfect. Leave it like that". They're SUCH beautifully-shaped breasts. Oddly enough, her torso might be one of my favorite parts of the pic. For some reason, my women always come off quite "squat" by my estimation. I've checked the proportions and they seem alright mathematically, so I think I just make them too "broad", so to speak. But looking at close-ups of Ariel's long, slender torso is really interesting- she's so graceful, elegant and slim. This is a great contrast to the slightly-curvier Belle. Belle looks gorgeous- this might be the prettiest face you've ever drawn. I always feel weird critiquing your art because it's so good, but the results always stun me. I love the way her breasts look, with gravity working its magic- they're plump and full, but not too big (huge boobs never seem to "fit" Disney girls). I love the little "dip" where her ribcage meets her belly-meat- it makes her look "solid" and real. The hair on both girls is PERFECT. I feel you don't get enough credit for the way you draw hair. It's authentically amazing- you could make a living just being some hair-artist for ads or something. Very "Art Nouveau". The colors are so RICH, too- Ariel's never even been one of my ideal Princesses, but the way you draw her hair is UNGODLY, to the point where I had to commission this. And I LOVE those little strands at Belle's bangs- they're so intricate, yet smooth. That is easily the greatest drawing of a dildo I have ever seen :). I mean, if you were to think "what would the dildo of a wealthy princess look like?", that would have to be it. I mean, it's a work of art unto itself- beautiful whites, some gold trim, some purple to signify royalty. I mean- it's OUTSTANDING. And that CUM!! It's glorious to look at- Ariel looks like she's had the time of her fucking life, and even confident lil' Belle (love her expression, btw- she's SO self-assured that she's given Ariel a pounding she'll never forget) has so much "sploosh" around her nethers that it's clear she had just as much fun. You draw SUCH great lady-juice. Everything about this is perfect. The pose is fantastic, I love all the coloring (it's mind-blowing how big a difference there is between your flats and your finishes- with most artists it's barely noticeable), the flecks of sweat flying, the splashes of cum, their expressions... this is easily in the realm of your Glinda/Elphaba stuff, man. Thank you so much :).


'Twas my idea with the hair- though he drew Ariel's like that in the "facial" pic he did, and I loved it so much that I requested it here. With Belle, I think I left it up to him, but I asked for the "Princess-Style" hair as opposed to the one he did last time. The hair looks SO GOOD here, too- I'm glad we came to that choice.


Haha, I was like "I wonder if that was the castle gynecologist?"

Walter L.

Oh man, I approve. A lot. Thanks to the commissionr.


I think hot chicks having sex is awesome.

Bob Fink

Looks pretty awesome to me! Two very hot Disney characters I love ;-)


You're welcome :)! But all the glory goes to the master pornographer who drew it! I knew I had to get one like this once I saw his "Disney Princess Month", and Reinbach absolutely knocked it out of the park! I'm actually surprised his style (which is more comic-booky) works so well with the giant-eyed Disney girls. You'd think their "Big heads, big eyes & small bodies" style wouldn't work as well with Reinbach's smaller heads & little eyes, but it's SO GOOD.


That is a shocking and extremely rare opinion around these parts, to be sure :).


And yes, that strap-on was amazing. Despite the incredible breasts on these two girls, my eyes keep getting drawn to that wonderfully-wet, well-designed dildo. It's got such a great color scheme!


But yes, I imagine they might change Jasmine's outfit around a bit. People are WAY too quick to jump on things these days. "Sexy Jasmine" might be seen as a turn-off for women, and Disney (who would do anything for money) would want all of their monies. That said... if they don't have her pull the "sexy seductress" thing with Jafar, I will be furious :).


I saw Jungle Book and liked it ok, but haven't seen Beauty and the Beast so I can't comment on that one.


Hey great to hear it man. Thanks again for the work and I appreciate the thoughtful feedback.


Yeah I forgot that she actually had TWO hot costumes in that movie. They've got a real dilemma there for the new movie lol,


No problem! Though I fear I overdo it sometimes and write essays in every piece. You have to promise to tell me if you want me to rein it in LOL.