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Hey guys Switch is on the way but it will be later in the night. In the meantime I hope you like this commission! I've drawn Laura here quite a few times but this was my first time drawing Jubilee, a character I've always liked.

Back in the 90's there was X-Men mania among kids in the United States, thanks largely in part, I believe, to the wildly popular Saturday morning cartoon that was airing at the time. Jubilee wasn't my favorite character on the show, (that would be Cyclops, and no one understands me) but she was sort of the avatar character for the viewer, being introduced to the world of mutants for the first time and asking the pertinent questions on our behalf. Call me nostalgic but that's all it took for me to develop a soft spot for her. Haven't seen her much outside the comics since then, as she doesn't often make it into the video games and her scenes in the movies always seem to get cut. Hopefully we see more of her in X-Men media in the future. 



Michael Wright

They both look great. Love the nipple piercings.

Bob Fink

Very well done, they both look amazing hot!

Lord of Nightmares

Apparently these days Jubilee is now a Vampire


Save that x-23 face! I have a story idea and one day in the future I'll want a cover. =)


Thanks! The client suggested them and I thought they were a nice touch.


I'd heard that. Seems a little out of place to me but I haven't followed the comics in so long I'm not one to judge.

Walter L.

Oh my, this is awesome. Love Laura's blissed out face and the determination with which Jubes works on that nipple. ;)


Haha, Jubilee was my least favorite member of the team? As a horny pre-teen (I swear you must be like exactly 2 years younger than me- your pop culture touchstones are JUST off from mine), I found her the least attractive, and I was also kind of offended that the writers assumed people my age talked that way. She said stuff like "I'm SHOOOR" and "def" all the time, and came off kind of annoying. But really, the fact that she was flat-chested and completely worthless in combat turned me off of the character. If she'd looked like THIS, though? THEN I'd have been a big Jubilee fan. Great work on their nice, big boobs. And those PIERCINGS! I actually don't recall you doing piercings on nipples before. It's a great look!


But I liked Cyclops, too. All the other kids went crazy for Wolverine, and all I could think about was how annoying it'd be to be on a team with that guy. Cyke was the "boring leader guy", but that's kind of a necessary character. He was introverted and reserved on teams full of bombastic personality types and crazy people. Ironically, he fits that type of guy you don't like in porn :).


Great! I'll keep those bullet points in mind for future jobs. :)


I always like the goody two shoes characters like Cyclops and Spiderman. To me it takes balls to write a character that's too much of a square to be "cool" like Wolverine. As for nipple peircings I've drawn them once or twice I think on orcs, and Switch has them :)


Yooooooooooooo good shit my brother

Dean Sturtevant

This is amazing, I love the nipple piercings and this is like you took it out of my head ;-)


More Laura is always appreciated