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Hey guys just looking for a suggestion or two here. You may have noticed I removed most of the images for the support tiers around here tonight. That's because my image hosting site, Photobucket, abruptly decided that the cost of third party linking should go from "free" to "40 bucks a month and in the meantime every image you've ever posted is now a big fat ad for us and last night we totally fucked your mom and she was bored and we didn't even care, we just finished and went home."

I'm paraphrasing. But needless to say, my relationship with Photobucket has come to a close. I'd love to go running to their competition but it's been so long since I looked into this kind of thing I don't even know who their competition is. I'll muddle through eventually but if anyone could point me in the right direction it would speed things up and I'd appreciate it.  



Wow, I noticed that PB had sucked a big one lately (I use it for hosting on an RPG site I frequent), but I didn't realize you'd done yours via there as well. Unfortunately I can't be of much help, but I'll ask around to the computer nerds I know- they generally always have "that NEW awesome thing" and look down on us plebs for having the weak, old stuff :).




Echoing. You can set pictures to private and so only people with links can find them


Imageshack did the samething, i know people need to earn a living. But when it goes from free to paid membership, it sux


Well to be honest if it had gone from free to $5 per month I would have just paid it to avoid hassle. But $300 per year? That's ridiculous. Who the hell is going to pay that?