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Closing out Persona month with Mitsuru from Persona 3! Her concept is that she's the resident impossibly perfect and good at everything character. But at least as far as I played she was somehow likable anyway. Never did manage to get her to go out with my guy in the game. Some of the girls had criteria to meet in order to be a romance option, and Mitsuru demanded too much book smarts if you ask me. I had a world to save for crying out loud! Who has that much time to study? 

I never actually finished Persona 3 unfortunately. I had it downloaded on my PS3 and was about 40 hours in when my system died for good and obviously took my save game with it. I wasn't really eager to start over after sinking that kind of time in. I thought I might at least get to see how the story ended in the form of the movies they made based off the game. But last I looked (admittedly awhile ago) they weren't even finished releasing them in Japan. Looks like if I want closure I'll just have to track down a physical copy and power through it, which wouldn't be so bad. :)

Anyhow guys I don't have any themes in mind for next month's pin ups and I want to post some more polls for the voting tier. If you can think of anyone you'd like to see I'm open to suggestions!




Can I say that I totally called it? Hahahaha

Bob Fink

She's a tasty morsel on two levels, first she's a redhead and second the carpet matches the drapes :D


Glad to hear it! I draw a lot of shaved girls so it's nice to mix it up here and there.


I remember seeing a funny clip from Persona 3 Portable showing the difference between the male and female protagonist. One NPC asks you "Wait, you've seen Mitsuru-senpai in a bikini?" at one point. The male can say "...", while the female protagonist can say "I'll give you copies for 1000 yen a pop."


Wow, that's the open-est pussy I've ever seen you draw :). Very "1990s Penthouse"- I remember a lot of old skin-mags showing that kind of stuff, with the "opening the vagina" pose.


Perhaps you can download a save game online and try to continue from there? Nice art btw, very sexy :)


Awesome looking Mitsuru senpai, she's got that perfect expression similar to the one she had ingame. The way the angle is set with her looking down on the viewer while offering her body, really shows why Mitsuru is the Empress Arcana. Sadly I don't think i ever maxed her Social Link out before switching to Persona 4. What about an alien women theme (Liara T'soni, Ahsoka Tano, Miss Martian)?


I bought that game awhile back, thinking it was the definitive version like Persona 4 Golden was, and was extremely disappointed to see how much had been stripped away to fit on the PSP and didn't really give it a chance. But I'm fairly over that now. Is there new story stuff at least? Is playing as a girl all that different? The idea didn't really appeal to me because I wasn't interested in romancing the male characters lol.


I've certainly drawn a lot of porn poses so when I come across one I haven't drawn a zillion times that looks good I try to pounce on it. :)


Thanks! And yeah I suppose I could, but I can't imagine jumping into a game where every daily choice matters based on someone else's save.


Regarding themes... maybe Video Game Characters? Or just Overwatch characters. That game's still pretty hot right now, and you've only drawn Tracer! Mercy is probably the most popular one in fan-art, but the cast is incredibly diverse. I'd KILL to see your take on Mei (so curvy & cuddly!), Zarya (so buff!) and Pharah (so exotic! And possibly ripped, judging by fanart). Or Street Fighter characters! I don't think I've ever seen you draw Chun-Li, R. Mika, etc.- Mika seems right up your alley (super-titty blonde girl). But I'd personally love to see you drawn Chun-Li or Laura Matsuda- your art is so boobs-focused that I'd like to see your version of women more known for DAT ASS and the overwhelming power of their gigantic thighs :).


Sounds cool! I'm taking notes on all the suggestions I get so don't be surprised if your ideas end up in a vote in the coming weeks. :)


I'm bound to take another shot at Persona 3 someday, and when I do I'll try to max her out lol. As for your suggestion I wrote it down and thanks for the input. :)